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While Taiwan is getting all the attention, Pakistan's old buddy Donald Lu is busy trying to work that American magic in Nepal:

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The abrupt, two-day visit of US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu to Nepal that started on Thursday largely aims to push for the controversial US-sponsored State Partnership Program (SPP) military pact, a recent political hot potato in Kathmandu, said Nepalese sources and observers.

The US official, who played a key role in the controversial US-Nepal Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) economic pact, went to Kathmandu after the Nepali government announced it will not move forward with the SPP in mid-June. This is how the US is pressuring Nepal for the SPP through its embassy and the US Army, a source in Kathmandu close to the matter told the Global Times on condition of anonymity.

The US has not given up efforts to push its SPP military pact with Nepal amid its efforts to contain China via the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and some deals on supplying military equipment, such as two helicopters as a grant under the SPP, are even ongoing, according to the source.

Experts and observers of Nepal are calling on the Nepalese government to resist US pressure and be wary of becoming a pawn in US geopolitics.

"It can harm China-Nepal friendship and mutual understanding if the SPP gets approved. It can lead the nation toward long internal conflict and unrest, and our government should be very careful facing each wave of pressure from the US," Yogeshwar Romkhami, a former senior superintendent of the Nepal Police Service, told the Global Times.

Local media termed Lu's arrival a "sudden visit" without official statements from either side to the public in advance. Many suspect his trip is closely linked to the SPP and Nepali Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba's prospective visit to the US.

"This is a pressing task in current ties between the US and Nepal, so Lu's visit cannot be separated from the SPP. The US is now eager to bring Nepal into its circle to counter China and disrupt the security and stability of China's southwest border region," Liu Zongyi, secretary-general of the Research Center for China-South Asia Cooperation at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, told the Global Times on Thursday.

Lu's sudden visit also reflects the US' sense of urgency, and the imperious and dominant nature of the trip does not show enough respect for a sovereign nation from the perspective of diplomatic protocols, observers said.

Local media reported that Lu would meet with Deuba and Nepali Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka, among other officials.

Liu said the US could likely offer some sort of quid pro quo, such as Deuba's prospective visit to the US or financial aid, to induce Nepal to proceed with the SPP.

Deuba's planned visit to the US, initially scheduled for mid-July, was postponed, the Kathmandu Post reported, drawing wide speculation in Nepal that the SPP controversy was likely the cause of the delay.

This is Lu's second visit to Nepal since November last year. He was said to be a key person behind convincing Nepal to endorse the controversial MCC deal, local media Online Khabar reported.

After the MCC, the US urged the Himalayan country to join its SPP military alliance, which is widely considered as another component of the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy.

In 2019, a report from the US Defense Department listed Nepal as a new country for the SPP, and in December that year, the State Department also provided aid to Nepal under the SPP arrangement, which critics say has security and military components that put American boots on Nepal's land, the Kathmandu Post reported.

The Nepali government last month decided to withdraw from the project after a draft of the agreement leaked by the media exposed the possibility of US troops staying in Nepal for an indefinite period, which caused wide criticism. However, the Nepali government is yet to officially inform the US of the decision, the Kathmandu Post report said.

As the chief US official in charge of South Asian affairs, Lu's visits have come with pressure on neighboring countries, further creating disputes in China's neighborhood.

It reflects that US diplomacy can no longer defeat China through normal competitive means, but only if it resorts to crooked ways and dishonest practices, Liu said.


Registered Member

Anyone got any other sources? If true then we are heading into a major crisis if Pelosi continues.
Jesus lol this twitter account, if nothing else, looks exactly what I imagine an US earnest voice mouthpiece looks like. Especially with the all caps to make things easier to understand for educationally challenged Americans.

Probably just a bored US intern trying to stir up some emotions among the netizen crowd.

Shoot down can happen but I think only because the more America tries to "protect" her the higher chance China decides to force her to land or shoot her.

If America clearly shows they're cowed by sending her in unarmed and together with civilians, China wouldn't directly attack her, there would likely just be exercises, show-the-flag operations by plane and ship around Taiwan, publicly boosting spending like Germany and Poland did in after February etc. In a way, both China and US gets some objectives done that way.

But if they show intent to force through with military forces into Chinese airspace, there's no guaranteeing her safety.


Registered Member
Now That would be a wonderful sight to behold....
Why tf does Hu Xijin have the blue checkmark? Somehow, I thought those were reserved for US affiliated state media only.

Tbh Hu is just a famous journalist/pundit so whatever he says isn't necessarily gonna come to fruition. He does at least dig pretty deep into the government so he has generally reliable sources.

But in this situation which is more and more resembling the Cuban missile crisis, its hard to say if Hu's specific sources are trustworthy, because while those specific politicians have their own real ideas about the crisis, there is no guarantee that those ppl specifically will win out.


Registered Member
I'm afraid the Israelis, as always, will send Mossad agents to "solve the problem."
Side question: I appreciate your insights on some issues because they are compelling and your opinion does deserve to be heard, but where I quibble with your opinion is when you sound like the country owes you something in return, for what I don't know exactly.

And from some of the comments you make about or against capitalist people you come across bitter or jealous and tend to generalize all of those high earners are less than ideal people or questionable characters in comparison to your kind and people that at the same level of gentile poverty. Your lot in life is on you and you alone unless the government confiscated your wealth due to abuse of power and corruption purposes which I can confidently say didn't happen. Unless of course you're a tax evader.

You sound in all honesty like those woke BLM types in America/Canada where they view themselves as the perpetual victims and are owed by the government's for various many historical ills and wrongs prior governments and society's made.


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Two days ago, Europe said that air conditioners are "Putin's friends" and therefore European airports will not be cooled in the summer.

France, on the other hand, came to the conclusion that even "weather is Putin's friend", because due to the extreme heat, several nuclear power plants had to stop working temporarily due to problems with water cooling.

Everything and everyone is a "Putin's friends", only idiocy is a friend of Europe.

I'm already ashamed to be European. :oops:

Putin can really die now, but from loud laughter...


Stop Wearing Ties to Save Energy, Spanish Premier Sanchez Says

'Look, no tie': Spanish PM urges casual wear to stay cool, save energy.

“I’d like you all to note that I am not wearing a tie,” Sanchez told a news conference. “This means we can all save from an energy point of view.”

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