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Meanwhile, when someone produces a better product than a US/*its slave state* company:

China talks with the Solomon Islands (10'000 km+ away from the US):
USA: "We cannot rule out military intervention"

A random country produces oil in the Middle East and does not buy US weaponry:
USA: "They have weapons of mass destruction"

Westerners truly have hypocrisy ingrained in their culture.
I know wishing for something like the r@pe of Nanjing to happen to any nation is wrong but really with the way Japan and the USA have been behaving and act long as though China is in the wrong for wanting to protect themselves from ever having that happen to them again and even have the gall to suggest that what happened in Nanjing isn’t bad enough, you know I am increasingly starting to wish that something horrifying on such a level happens in Tokyo and New York so that these evil bastards can finally understand just how horrible such acts are to ever happen. It’s the only way for these entitled little assh@les can ever understand why Shinzo Abe’s death is a cause for celebration throughout Asia, not something to cry about unlike those bloody journalist crying like a little b(;$h. And while they are at it, cripple those nations to ever wage war for all time to see how they like them apples and even go as far to teach them that being a support of the west is basically support being a complete coward and a loser. I mean they preach how it is bad for being a person of color so it should be right they should the USA lose in the future, they get to face the music.


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Least idiotic Chinese mobile company. Quite obvious they came from Huawei
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Former Huawei smartphone sub-brand Honor said to withdraw team from India amid geopolitical tensions​

  • Honor chief executive Zhao Ming reportedly said the company was pulling its team out of India for ‘obvious reasons’
  • Indian authorities have been conducting investigations of several major Chinese smartphone brands, such as Huawei and Xiaomi
Chinese smartphone brand Honor, formerly under Huawei Technologies Co, has pulled its team out of India, chief executive Zhao Ming said, as New Delhi continues to tighten its scrutiny of Chinese companies.
Honor formed the team a few years ago, but chose to leave for “obvious reasons”, Zhao was quoted as saying during the company’s smartphone launch event on Thursday, in a report by state-run newspaper Securities Times.
The Shenzhen-based company’s Indian business will remain in operation, managed by local partners, Zhao reportedly said, but the brand will adopt a “very safe approach”.
Honor did not immediately respond to a request for further information on Sunday.
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PLA to train pilots faster with new programs amid warplane production capacity boost

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force and Naval Aviation Force have recently made new progress in their new pilot recruitment and training programs at a time when China is expanding its warplane fleet with record-breaking warplane production capability, with analysts saying on Sunday that the PLA will make sure to have enough qualified personnel to fly its cutting-edge machines.

In 2020, the Shijiazhuang Flight Academy for the first time received delivery of J-10 fighter jets and started testing with this new training program. While it takes four to six years of flight training for a pilot cadet to become qualified to fly a fourth generation fighter jet under the old training program, the new program takes only three years, greatly shortening the time needed to train a cadet to become a combat-ready pilot, CCTV reported.

No numbers but it says “record breaking warplane” production capabilities. Who knows how much but it looks like mass production is underway. Qualification training for 4th gen fighter jets under a new program is shorten to 3 years from the old program of 4-6 years.


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…)time to ‘test Biden’s commitment’ made to China

Some Chinese experts said that if the Biden administration is determined to oppose it, the trip can't be made as such high-level visit needs the coordination with the administration in terms of security.

"Perhaps, the White House is not truly opposed to such a visit, but they don't want Pelosi to interrupt the Biden administration's agenda on the Taiwan question," Diao Daming, an associate professor at the Renmin University of China in Beijing, told the Global Times on Sunday.

"It's a bluff to use the excuse of separation of powers," Lü said, noting that a House Speaker would not be able to make a foreign visit without the coordination of the executive branch due to security issues.

"If the Biden administration firmly opposes it, the trip won't be made," he said.

Looks like China doesn’t believe their “separation of power” excuse over Taiwan either. I don’t either. Especially, Biden using the military as an excuse when he could have put his own opinion out as well.


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Looks like China doesn’t believe their “separation of power” excuse over Taiwan either. I don’t either. Especially, Biden using the military as an excuse when he could have put his own opinion out as well.
Everything points to Biden supporting the trip.

Maybe Biden has forgotten because he has dementia, but the rest of the world has certainly not forgotten Biden "misspeaking" so many times about defending Taiwan


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The case caught public attention on Thursday after a netizen took to social media platforms and said memorial tablets of at least four notorious Japanese war criminals who were involved in the Nanjing Massacre during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), including key perpetrators Matsui Iwane and Hisao Tani, were enshrined at the Xuanzang Temple in Jiuhua Mountain Park.
How in God's name could this happen in a temple in Nanjing of all places?

Amid public outrage, the Nanjing authorities had taken quick reactions. On Friday, local authorities announced that the abbot of the temple had been dismissed and the temple was required to stop daily operation. At least three officials from the religious departments were punished including the Xuanwu district ethnic and religious bureau chief in Nanjing.
These guys will need to be thoroughly investigated. If found guilty, they should receive nothing less than prison sentences, and some lengthy time in the reeducation camp.