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Japan regulator says release of treated Fukushima water can go ahead, locals and China worried
  • Plan adopted by government and endorsed by IAEA, but operator TEPCO faces resistance from fishing communities worried nobody will buy their fish
  • There has also been criticism from regional neighbours including China and South Korea, as well as environmental groups such as Greenpeace

TEPCO says Fukushima treated water meets national standards for radionuclide levels, except for one element, tritium, which experts say is only harmful to humans in large doses. Photo: AP

Japan’s nuclear regulator on Friday formally approved a plan to release more than a million tonnes of treated water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean.

The plan has already been adopted by the government and endorsed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but plant operator TEPCO must still win over local communities before going ahead.

The country’s Nuclear Regulation Authority approved TEPCO’s plan, according to a foreign ministry statement, which said the government would ensure the safety of the treated water as well as the “reliability and transparency of its handling”.

Cooling systems at the plant were overwhelmed by a tsunami triggered by a massive undersea quake on March 11, 2011, causing the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

Decommissioning work is under way and expected to take around four decades, with painstaking efforts to remove molten fuel from damaged reactors among the tasks ahead.

Each day, the site produces 140 cubic metres of contaminated water – a combination of groundwater, seawater and rainwater that seeps into the area, and water used for cooling.

The water is filtered to remove various radionuclides and moved to storage tanks, with 1.29 million tonnes on site already and space expected to run out in around a year.

TEPCO says the treated water meets national standards for radionuclide levels, except for one element, tritium, which experts say is only harmful to humans in large doses.

It plans to dilute the water to reduce tritium levels and release it offshore over several decades via a kilometre-long underwater pipe.

The IAEA says the release, which will take place over many years and is not expected to begin before spring 2023, meets international standards and “will not cause any harm to the environment”.

But local fishing communities that suffered in the wake of the nuclear accident fear consumers will once again shun their products if the water is released in the area.

There has also been criticism from regional neighbours including South Korea and China, as well as groups like Greenpeace.

The 2011 disaster in northeast Japan left around 18,500 people dead or missing, with most killed by the tsunami.

Around 12 per cent of the Fukushima region was once declared unsafe, but no-go zones now cover around two per cent, although populations in many towns remain far lower than before.

I fail to understand the logic. If the water can be diluted to such a standard as they claim that won't cause environmental harm, why not return the water back into the Japanese national water grid instead?

What, they don't trust their own water or somethin', but it's safe for the fishes, which they then catch and eat anyway?

Or as the Chinese Foreign Ministry so succinctly put it: "If the water is safe, please drink it".


Lieutenant General
Sorry but China's threats of retaliation for me are more words than action. It's more for formality purposes. We'll see but I'm more pessimistic. It's like the Chinese have to do it more for protocol and not that they have to follow through. It's like how Chinese are big into rituals but they really do nothing but for ceremony and appearances.

The US is talking about selling Taiwan better arms to defend themselves from China. If that happens how about China start militarily supplying Russia for their war in Ukraine to give the West the middle finger like how they doing to China over Taiwan? What would be really bold is if they start doing it if Pelosi lands in Taiwan.


Registered Member
Sorry but China's threats of retaliation for me are more words than action. It's more for formality purposes. We'll see but I'm more pessimistic. It's like the Chinese have to do it more for protocol and not that they have to follow through. It's like how Chinese are big into rituals but they really do nothing but for ceremony and appearances.

The US is talking about selling Taiwan better arms to defend themselves from China. If that happens how about China start militarily supplying Russia for their war in Ukraine to give the West the middle finger like how they doing to China over Taiwan? What would be really bold is if they start doing it if Pelosi lands in Taiwan.
Ofc everyone can have their reservations but personally I believe that China would make a strong response if Pelosi actually went to Taiwan.

This no-fly zone thing reported by CNN makes perfect sense for China to do. Taiwan can have its meaningless Pelosi trip while China would have a permanent no-fly zone in Taiwan.

If I was Taiwenese I would be calling Pelosi right now to stop her trip lol. I dont think China will hesitate to take counter-action.

The problem for the US and Taiwan is that they think Pelosi trip would be a good salami-slicing but in reality Chin's response would be like taking a butcher knife and cutting off Taiwan's and US' hands.

Normalising a no-fly zone in Taiwan would be a strategic win for China


Sorry but China's threats of retaliation for me are more words than action. It's more for formality purposes. We'll see but I'm more pessimistic. It's like the Chinese have to do it more for protocol and not that they have to follow through. It's like how Chinese are big into rituals but they really do nothing but for ceremony and appearances.

The US is talking about selling Taiwan better arms to defend themselves from China. If that happens how about China start militarily supplying Russia for their war in Ukraine to give the West the middle finger like how they doing to China over Taiwan? What would be really bold is if they start doing it if Pelosi lands in Taiwan.
Same. Xi just wishes speed recovery to Biden. No NFZ coming lol