Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
So CNN is spinning Abe as this masterful statesman that had a special relationship with Trump that no other world world leader had. You mean Abe was willing to kiss ass more than any other world leader...? They forget the story that Trump whispered into Abe's ear, "I remember!" referring to Pearl Harbor.
@AssassinsMace Sir I heard it was phrase as Tora Tora...lol


Registered Member
It's going to be hard to survive a shotgun at point blank but since another woman nearby also got hit, probably the distance was greater and it was the pellets that sprayed across at a distance.

A point blank shotgun hit to the neck is just not survivable in any form.

If it was an actual shotgun then ya his pretty much good as dead. However, this is a home made shotgun of unknown components.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Someone managed to keep their camera steady -

It looks like the first shot was a miss. The perp then moved closer as Abe was halfway turning towards him when the second shot landed, from a distance of about 5-6 paces.
Between the two shots, guards would have enough time to disarm the assailant. Guess they didn't want to sacrifice their lives for Abe.