Which is why Russia coming out as victorious on this current war with U.S./NATO using Ukraine as it's proxy must succeed because if Russia fails and collapse it isn't unlikely that Putin and his acolytes will be replaced by a pro-western interests, placing China in the most delicate position being surrounded by enemies from all direction.
So the maxim of the enemy of my enemy is my friend aptly applies to China's current predicament. We can't pretend that China must absolve or wash itself away from the Russians because China is some sort of super benevolent peace loving country or that Russia had caused historical great damage to China as some of our esteemed members on this forum have purposely argued.
We ought to really ask this question: is the world that has been conquered, shaped, and led by the white western countries prepared to live in a world where thr predominant power is non-white, non-Christian, and Asian? A race that's been historically demeaned, devalued, and characterized as both weak, and inferior? We can see and observe from countries in Europe that even if they largely disagree with American way of doing things geopolitically, distaste the American culture, way of thinking etc..they are more than willing to overlook all of those negatives because their dislike of Asia, specifically China possibly lording over the civilized Europeans, Anglo-Saxon countries is a reality that must not come to pass; not in their lifetimes. Therefore, it has to be assumed the worst possible motivations from China's enemies, that no actions will be too despicable or too low for them not to consider doing or taking just to ensure that China and the rest of the Global South can't and must not rise.