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World | Sat Jun 6, 2015 1:36am EDT Related: WORLD, CHINA
Once obscure Chinese town rallies after ship disaster

Since being thrust onto the world stage, residents of a once obscure part of China have rallied round to help those affected by the sinking of a cruise ship, an outpouring of kindness in a country more used to worrying about a decline in public morals.

The 1.5 million people of Jianli, which sits on a bend of the mighty Yangtze River in the central province of Hubei, have offered free food, car rides and even hair-dressing services to the relatives, rescuers, officials and reporters who have rushed there after the ship carrying more than 450 people sank in a storm on Monday.

Residents have tied bright yellow scarves to their arms, car mirrors, buildings and gates to show solidarity with those impacted by the disaster.

"This is a way for us to show how much we care for those people, especially the families," said a taxi driver surnamed Luo, who had festooned his own car with billowing scarves.

"This is such an incredible tragedy and we want to be of service to others however we can."

A woman who asked only to be identified by her surname Wang is one of the organizers of an ad hoc group of volunteers who have fanned out through the city offering free meals, navigation help and other services.

"This is our duty to our country," she told Reuters on Thursday at a candlelight vigil for those killed in the shipwreck.

China's economic boom and the growing disparity between the rich and poor have made changing social values a contentious topic, with some lamenting what they see as materialism replacing morals.

Barely a day goes by without soul-searching over what some see as a moral numbness - whether over graft, the rampant sale of adulterated food or incidents such as when a woman gouged out the eyes of her six-year-old nephew in 2013 for unknown reasons.

Jianli's efforts have attracted high-profile attention.

The website of the ruling Communist Party's anti-corruption watchdog carried a series of comments from social media lauding taxi drivers for offering free rides to relatives "as soon as they hear a non-local accent".

Large-scale disasters have prompted similar outpourings in the past.

After the massive 2008 Sichuan earthquake, which killed more than 80,000 people, residents of cities like provincial capital Chengdu loaded up their cars with drinking water and instant noodles for the survivors, many in remote rural parts.

(Additional reporting by John Ruwitch; Writing by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Jeremy Laurence)


New Dinosaur name for TerraN, as opposed to tyrant king

What a Face! 'Hellboy' Dino Sported Head Crown, Teeny Eye Horns


About 70 million years ago, a bizarre-looking relative of Triceratops with a crownlike frill, tall nose horn and tiny eye horns tread over the ancient landscape of southeastern Alberta, a new study finds.

A man named Peter Hews discovered the unusual dinosaur's skull about 10 years ago, after he noticed some bones poking out of a cliff by the Oldman River in Alberta. Researchers excavated and studied the fossil, learning it belonged to an entirely new genus and species of
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that was closely related to
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Researchers dubbed the unusual horned beast Regaliceratops peterhewsi, from the Latin "regalis," meaning royal, in honor of the dinosaur's unique crowned frill, as well as after Canada's Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, the researchers said in the study. The Greek word "ceratops" means "horned face." [
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But the dinosaur's nickname, "Hellboy," is far more popular, the researchers said.

Naming aside, the skull is the first evidence that horned dinosaurs lived in that particular geographic region of Alberta, said Caleb Brown, a paleobiologist at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology.

"However, it was not until the specimen was being slowly prepared from the rocks in the laboratory that the full anatomy was uncovered, and the bizarre suite of characters revealed," Brown
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. "Once it was prepared, it was obviously a new species, and an unexpected one at that. Many horned-dinosaur researchers who visited the museum did a double take when they first saw it in the laboratory."

The specimen is so unique, a person standing a football field away could easily tell that it's a new species, Brown joked. He pointed out the distinctive size and shape of its facial horns and the shieldlike frill on the back of its skull.


In fact, Regaliceratops peterhewsi is fairly similar to Triceratops, except that its nose is tall and the two horns over its eyes are "almost comically small," Brown said. But the frill on its head is by far the most impressive feature, he said. It looks like a halo of large, pentagonal plates, and one central spike, radiating outward.

"The combined result looks like a crown," Brown said.

The newfound dinosaur also has an intriguing combination of short and long horns. Researchers usually categorize horned dinosaurs into one of two groups: the Chasmosaurines, which have a small horn over the nose, large horns over the eyes and a long frill; and the Centrosaurines, animals with a large nose horn, small eye horns and a short frill.


This new species is a Chasmosaurine, but it has ornamentation more similar to Centrosaurines," Brown said in the statement. "It also comes from a time period following the extinction of the Centrosaurines."

R. peterhewsi is the first example of a horned dinosaur showing
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, meaning that these two groups developed similar features independently of each other.

The researchers plan to look for more R. peterhewsi fossils. In the meantime, they're making digital reconstructions of the skull, which is deformed after spending 70 million years in the Rocky Mountain foothills.

"This discovery also suggests that there are likely more horned dinosaurs out there that we just have not found yet, so we will also be looking for other new species," Brown said.

The finding was published online June 4 in the
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I understand that these animals weight as much as a rhinoceros. I would then expect all legs to be straight as in other large animals and not as pictured similar to crocodile legs.


I understand that these animals weight as much as a rhinoceros. I would then expect all legs to be straight as in other large animals and not as pictured similar to crocodile legs.

That makes perfect sense! Just like the older T-Rex illustrations that showed the tail dragging on the ground. You would think that there would be better editing of scientific illustrations?

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I understand that these animals weight as much as a rhinoceros. I would then expect all legs to be straight as in other large animals and not as pictured similar to crocodile legs.
But if the bones show crocodilian leg structures, then you got to go with the evidence. Wisdom from the Han Dynasty states, "seek truth from facts."


But if the bones show crocodilian leg structures, then you got to go with the evidence. Wisdom from the Han Dynasty states, "seek truth from facts."
I don't think it can have crocodilian leg structures. I think this is the work of an ignorant artist. If I'm wrong this would justify opening the article about this beast with that aspect instead of the talk about the beautiful head. The article didn't even mention the front legs.


Russia will accelerate construction in the Northern Territory in retaliation for Japan's Ukraine-related actions. Interesting there are 30k Russians living there.

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Monday, while visiting Vladivostok, in Russia’s Far East, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered an acceleration of military and civilian infrastructure construction on the
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. While the defense ministry didn’t offer many details of his orders, it isn’t difficult to connect the announcement–guaranteed to annoy Japan, which disputes Russian sovereignty of the islands–to the recent visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Ukraine. While in Ukraine, Abe declared his support for President Petro Poroshenko.

This isn’t the first time Ukraine has come up as a point of tension between Russia and Japan, nor the first time Moscow has used the islands to irritate Tokyo. Last summer, after Japan joined Western nations in
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, Russia held
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in the
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The Kurils, as they are called in Russia, are known as the Northern Territories in Japan and stretch about 810 miles northeast from the island of Hokkaido to Russia’s Kamchatka. To the west of the islands lies the Sea of Okhotsk and to the east, the northern Pacific. The two southernmost islands–Kunashir (known in Japanese as Kunashiri) and Iturup (Etorofu)–and two sets of islets–Shikotan and the Habomai islands–have been the focus of a dispute between Russia and Japan for more than 60 years.

Both Russia and Japan bring treaties to the table to support their claims for sovereignty.

In the 1855 Treaty of Shimoda which established diplomatic relations between the two, Russia outlined the boundary with Japan as lying between Iturup and Urup. The islands south of Iturup were not specifically mentioned. Subsequent treaties, in 1875, 1905, and 1945 all lead to different divisions.

During World War II, Russia occupied the Kurils, including the southernmost islands, expelling nearly 17,000 Japanese citizens.

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, which officially ended the war between Japan and the Allies, included Japanese renunciation of its claims to the Kuriles. But Russia never signed the treaty. Russia says various international agreements support its claim to the islands, such as the 1945 Yalta Agreement which states that the “Kuril Islands shall be handed over to the Soviet Union,” presumably as a reward for a Soviet declaration of war against Japan, come the defeat of Germany.

While relations between Russia and Japan were restored in 1956, the two have never actually signed a peace treaty.

Russia has a military presence on Iturup and opened an international airport there in 2014. The Russian population of the disputed islands is now
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and Russia routinely conducts military flights over the islands. While Russian President Vladimir Putin has, in the past, made statements that do not entirely rule out returning the islands to Japan, events over the past year have functionally squashed any possibility of a detente on the issue.

Japan supported G-7 sanctions on Russia, and Russia’s ostracization from the former G-8. Japan has also not recognized Russian claims to Crimea. While Abe has invited Putin to visit Japan “
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,” few think it will actually happen this year. Japan will host the G-7 summit in 2016 and most agree that Russia will
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from the meeting.


Alberto Nisman's computer 'accessed more than 60 times after his death'
Mystery surrounding death of Argentine prosecutor deepens as judicial sources say his computer was accessed after his death and detectives accused of contaminating crime scene


A computer belonging to Alberto Nisman, the
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prosecutor who was
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earlier this year, was accessed more than 60 times after his death.

Judicial sources told Argentine newspaper Clarin that
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at 8.07pm on Sunday January 18. The autopsy ruled that Nisman, 51, was dead by 3pm - shot in the head in the bathroom of his Buenos Aires apartment.

His accusations against Argentine president Cristina Kirchner four days before his death - that she had covered up Iranian responsability for the country's worst ever terrorist attack - made him a high-profile, controversial figure.

He was working extensively with security sources to investigate
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, and the day after his death had been due to present his findings in parliament.


His death has become a source of much fascination in the South American country. It was initially ruled as suicide, but now Nisman's family - and most of Argentina, including the president - believe that to be unlikely.

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On Thursday Clarin provided a new twist, with the revelation about the computer.

The paper said that it was not yet known whether the "entries" into the computer - technicians refer to registers, or events - were made directly into the computer, or remotely. It was also unclear whether the computer was accessed via a USB stick, an external hard drive, or through a wifi network or telephone line.

Websites for newspapers Clarin and La Nacion were opened, and his Yahoo email inbox - although none of the emails were read.

A Google search was carried out for one word: "Psicodelia" - psychodelia. No one has yet been able to explain the significance of the word.

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The revelations about the computer are the latest in a long line of strange twists.

On May 31 one of Argentina's most famous journalists, Jorge Lanata, broadcast
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Periodismo Para Todos footage from the crime scene. It appeared to show the
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from the gun, working without gloves, and contaminating the scene.

A book by Nisman’s cousin, Andrea Garfunkel, was published last week and launched fresh accusations that he was killed because of his investigation into the 1994 bombing. She noted the unused pajamas found near his bed, which she says suggests he
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investigators found him.

On March 5 his ex-wife, Sandra Arroyo Salgado, a judge, said his death was "
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". She has begun her own independent investigation into the events surrounding Nisman's death.

The official inquiry, lead by Viviana Fein, is expected to report back in around six weeks time.

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The Ministry of Defense of Argentina makes public the secret archives of Malvinas


(Defensa.com) From today, June 11, inventories of all existing documentation in the files of the Armed Forces on Malvinas Argentinas are publicly accessible. Defense Minister Agustin Rossi made the announcement this week during a ceremony led by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner Day Reaffirming the sovereign rights over the Malvinas Islands.

The documents were declassified from the Presidential Decree 503/2015, which states that "since the current democratic and republican state corresponds relieve the secrecy and confidentiality of the information and documentation that may facilitate the full knowledge of the facts related to the war of South Atlantic ". With him obrante documentation related to conflict in the Archives of the Armed Forces and instructed the Ministry of Defense to the public consultation preparing to records of all such documents and declassified query mode, which is enabled on the platform
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This site was created by the Ministry of Defense in 2013 to the discovery of documents in the last civic-military dictatorship on 31 October of that year in the basement of the building Condor. Then issued Resolution MD No. 445/2013, whereby a period of six months was granted to condition, inventory and documentation would relieve made available for public consultation. After the period, the website
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, which allows the consultation of such documents, and query terminals were set up at the National Library of Aeronautics was launched.

As recorded by this site, "then the work of surveying, identification and description of the case-documentary collections in the archives of the Armed Forces, new documents that allow deepening investigation of the facts related to the war that are working later were detected the date of completion of the final report prepared by the "DADES COMMISSION OF ANALYSIS STRATEGIC POLICY AND MILITARY CONFLICT IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC" (Rattenbach Report) ".

All users who consult this documentary heritage should complete the user registration and sign the express agreement of responsibility for the dissemination of information. The user assumes the responsibility for the processing of data; this means the commitment of the requested documentation will be used exclusively for cultural purposes without giving publicity to holders of sensitive data that will eventually have access; and in case you need do it, and if you do not get the authorization of the holder shall undertake to dissociate sensitive data on the identity of the person.

In this sense, to preserve this issue, restrictions on the dissemination of these documents and are contemplated making reprographics (copies) or the publication of these documents will not be permitted solely reprographic requirements to be allowed to court and government agencies (departments of state bodies directly, to the extent of compliance with their respective powers). Such requests must be made in writing and submitted to the Ministry of Defence or to the Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces concerned. In the case of individuals, the photocopying of the document to the holder of the information contained in the document are permitted. The application must be carried out by the data subject, his heirs, or person authorized by the owner. Such requests may be made through the website archivosabiertos.com, which will be forwarded to the appropriate agency for further proceedings; and each institution to file or to the Ministry of Defense.

The documents will be available for inspection at each Force the respective archives. For more information, you can access the standardized description of each archival institution through the website archivosabiertos.com.

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