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I'll try to explain with my cursory understanding of finance. So the guy tried shorting the nickel stock, which is like a bet that the price will go down. However, the nickel price suddenly shot up, making him lost that bet and now he has to buy the stock at the price to give back the stocks he used to short.

He doesn't have enough money to cover those short, and the bank that is backing up his margin call is apparently a big one, JPM. Now JPM has the job to bail the guy out of that position, but since both parties can't pay, so through some insider influence, they asked them to shutdown the London stock exchange for Nickel and reverse their trading position.

The thing is though, reversing that amount of volume just for that guy, broke the trust in the system. So now we're seeing an exodus of traders from LME to other metal exchange market and the price of the nickel stock gone tumbling down.

Someone please help me check if I what I said is accurate.
In China, there are two stories. The company does short to protect it's price, fairly common practice, so I have been told. But the problem is the ban on Russian stockpile, causing a shortage, and the price increase. So the company need to spend billions to buy the product to fulfill the short. Here is where the story diverges, one side said he use leverage to LME to shut down trade for a few days, the other story is that with Chinese government's help, the company was able to get enough nickel commodity, and the other Swiss company, who were pushing the price up, have to actually buy all that nickel at the extreme high price, and so LME shut down, cancelled all the orders for like 24 hours, to protect this swiss company.


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For God's sake, the man who always talk without thinking should not be in power.

On the contrary, it's a carefully choregraphed event, then the rest of White House will wall back plus the army of MSM

Biden's call for regime change in Russia was NOT a "gaffe," it was a deliberately choreographed policy statement during a major speech in a foreign capital. Attempts to try to spin a "clarification" are pathetic. Even CNN couldn't deny the obvious:

There was NO ambiguity in what Biden said: he didn't even stutter for a change. The regime change demand came in a formal, prepared speech. It's consistent with all observable US policy. But don't believe your ears, because we know Biden to be a Very Serious Foreign Policy Person

The excuse being given for Biden's regime change outburst is that it doesn't reflect "official US policy." But there's NO such thing; that's a self-justifying conceit of NatSec bureaucrats. The president is (theoretically) elected to craft and articulate policy. Which Biden did

Now that the true US policy (regime change) has been clarified, it's also been clarified that alleviating Ukrainian suffering is *not* a true US goal. On the contrary, the US is happy to inflict *further* suffering on Ukrainians if it means achieving its true goal: regime change

Yanis Varoufakis - a Greek economist and former Greek Minister of Finance:

Joe Biden just answered my question: His game plan is not a negotiated peace with Putin but regime change in Moscow. Like previous US attempts at regime-change, this will not go well - especially for the people of Ukraine who must now endure war until Putin falls...

Biden declared yesterday in Warsaw: "You, the Russian people, are not our enemy" Right. We're just trying to destroy your economy, kill your soldiers, and overthrow your government. All gestures of friendship
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Any doubt has been removed: the Biden Admin's goal is not to mitigate conflict in Ukraine, but further inflame it. Rejecting ceasefire negotiations, dumping vast amounts weapons, engineering more NATO expansion, threatening to send troops, and now even threatening to depose Putin
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Biden’s radical statement last night is just a reflection of the increasingly radicalized US establishment consensus. Biden eventually just endorses whatever the latest consensus is, so he’s now publicly aligned with the parade of psycho retired Generals shaping public opinion:
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Biden’s call for regime change in Russia wasn’t some off-the-cuff “gaffe.” It was declared as the climax of a carefully choreographed, “legacy-defining” speech, in a deliberately chosen venue (Poland) where the call would be well-received. The message was delivered loud and clear
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If Putin threatened to overthrow the US government but then his handlers issued some nonsensical clarification attempting to downplay the threat, I’m sure that would be warmly received in the US
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I am curious to see how the German economy unfolds, and survive this inflationary hikes on their industries. To marry policies with fake morality as demanded by the Reddit crowd is an interesting experiment. Don't trade with Saudis, don't trade with China, Russia, and all the other supposed "bad countries" have become so pervasive to the mindless drones emanating from United States of Reddit which shows the supreme arrogance of those folks knows no bounds. They think that the world benefited primarily from the west and that countries like China wasn't able to contribute or help in their western way of life.

A couple things, those reddit people need to be clear about.

It actually starts back in the Age of Imperialism.

Europe and capitalism needed more markets, as the ones in Europe became saturated. Therefore, capitalism had to expand worldwide. It was about the money. Imperialism made sure that the money made from capitalism always followed from the colonies to Europe.

If those bozos on reddit believe otherwise, fine! That's great. Historical context is too much for bozo. The Europeans going back home is the best news a lot of countries would like to hear.

Also, more recently, Europe has a policy of not barricading itself. If they only traded among themselves, then most of their EU trade would be trade between countries in northwestern European states. That's it.

That also takes into account the history, where the Europeans never just wanted to trade among themselves, to be just traders inside northwestern European states.

The fact that the German automakers sell more cars in China, than they do in Germany and America combined, that is the real policy. That will not change, regardless of which bozo says what.

Seeing the European politicians squirm like this, is hilarious. They deserve it.



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Biden’s call for regime change in Russia wasn’t some off-the-cuff “gaffe.” It was declared as the climax of a carefully choreographed, “legacy-defining” speech, in a deliberately chosen venue (Poland) where the call would be well-received. The message was delivered loud and clear
I think everyone in Russia's military, Putin's inner circle, and hell even the entire population of Russia, knows that the US goal is a regime change in Russia. The Dems have been calling for Putin's removal for ever since Russia intervene in Syria, constantly spreading anti-Russian propaganda through Russiangate and using anti-Russia rhetoric in accusing the other party is paid or got into power through fraud.

Its only shocking now because that senile old man in power, finally went mask off or "Freudian slipped" that they want a regime change in Russia. Like I don't see how is this supposed to help with their goal? Putin could now just use that as a justification to crackdown on anybody, with the excuse that they are plotting for regime change, and reinforce the narrative that US is out to destroy Russia, by installing puppet like Yeltsin, giving him even bigger nationalistic support.

When they did all those petty moves like banning Russian cats, trees from their shows and museum, allowing calls for violence against Russian in social media platforms like Facebook, and even bloody retracted the reward for Yuri Gagarin. Did they think this would make the Russian population sympathize with their cause or did they expect there's a large liberal base that would be begging for western approval, and then push for Putin's removal? There's no way they can win the hearts of the Russian population now.

If they wanted to do a regime change on Russia, they should have never instigated this war, and continued their influence op within Russia. This war just boosted Putin's popularity to last I read, to 79.5% now. I think this is just them being desperate or releasing steam, because they realized they failed. Whatever it is they're trying to achieve, this is just pathetic.


Registered Member
I think everyone in Russia's military, Putin's inner circle, and hell even the entire population of Russia, knows that the US goal is a regime change in Russia. The Dems have been calling for Putin's removal for ever since Russia intervene in Syria, constantly spreading anti-Russian propaganda through Russiangate and using anti-Russia rhetoric in accusing the other party is paid or got into power through fraud.

Its only shocking now because that senile old man in power, finally went mask off or "Freudian slipped" that they want a regime change in Russia. Like I don't see how is this supposed to help with their goal? Putin could now just use that as a justification to crackdown on anybody, with the excuse that they are plotting for regime change, and reinforce the narrative that US is out to destroy Russia, by installing puppet like Yeltsin, giving him even bigger nationalistic support.

When they did all those petty moves like banning Russian cats, trees from their shows and museum, allowing calls for violence against Russian in social media platforms like Facebook, and even bloody retracted the reward for Yuri Gagarin. Did they think this would make the Russian population sympathize with their cause or did they expect there's a large liberal base that would be begging for western approval, and then push for Putin's removal? There's no way they can win the hearts of the Russian population now.

If they wanted to do a regime change on Russia, they should have never instigated this war, and continued their influence op within Russia. This war just boosted Putin's popularity to last I read, to 79.5% now. I think this is just them being desperate or releasing steam, because they realized they failed. Whatever it is they're trying to achieve, this is just pathetic.
This is also exactly what happened with HK leading up to the riots, with practically all of China opposing the rioter movement.

P.S. The social media runaway effect that led to the silly bans on Russian cats & trees etc. may have been an unintentional side effect of the 'official' media war, where any pressure gets massively magnified by the numerous idiots on social media and you get one-upmanship in who can be most virtuous by banning anything Russian
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