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China should change the Chinese name for US to "米国"/"阿米利卡和州国". If Americans protest, tell them there is international precedent.
How about 霉国 or 靡国 or 幂国?Based on the way things are going it will soon be 没国. Hell, the last one actually sounds like 美国, but how a English speaker half-fluent in Mandarin would pronounce it.
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Registered Member
LMAO the side that funds and supports literal Nazis claim that the other side is pro-war. Have they thought about why almost all of non-Western nations didn't side with them? It's funny that a side of less than 900 million people thinks that they could decide the opinions of the other 7 billion.
Well, to illustrate their insanity, I present to you exhibit A:



Registered Member
The world is more complicated than one sometimes wishes. Not only democratic decisions determine their appearance, but much more often the power of money. This power is distributed across all borders.
The world is more complicated than one sometimes wishes. Not only democratic decisions determine their appearance, but much more often the power of money. This power is distributed across all borders
What is this gibberish, mumbo jumbo, you're spouting off?


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum OMG!!! and this lady is a breath away from the Presidency, I'm not a religious man BUT God saves us all.:(
She's the Lennie Robredo of America. Aren't you lucky there in the Philippines that the same braid dead moron isn't going nowhere near the Presidency, unless they want a civil war by cheating the overwhelming odds on favorite, Bong Marcos Jr.


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Has this been shared before?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please remember that Deutsche Welle (DW) is a trans-atlanticist propaganda and misinformation outlet stationed in Germany and has little or nothing to do with Germany.

How does translating Chinese versions of "Jai Hinds" help their cause exactly? Are people from Western countries going to fly to China enmass and start beating those people? I don't think so. More likely than this will fuel anti-Asian discrimination outside of China, resulting in more beaten grandmas/grandpas.