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EU launches WTO dispute against China over telecom patents​

BRUSSELS, Feb 18 (Reuters) - The European Union launched a legal challenge against China at the World Trade Organization on Friday, arguing that Chinese courts were preventing European companies from protecting their telecom technology patents.

The European Commission, which filed the challenge on behalf of the EU's 27 members, said EU companies were being deterred from going to a foreign court to safeguard their standard-essential patents (SEPs).

The Commission has also consulted the United States and Japan, whose standard-essential patent holders face similar challenges and which want to be setting global tech standards, rather than leaving this to Beijing.

Mobile phone manufacturers need to obtain licences for SEPs for their products to meet certain international standards.

The Commission said Chinese courts had, since August 2020, been issuing "anti-suit injunctions", which prohibit EU companies from going to foreign courts, with the threat of heavy fines as a deterrent.

In one case, the fine was 130,000 euros ($147,758) a day, and the practice undermined the companies' negotiations on licence fees with Chinese smartphone makers, the EU executive said.

China said that it regretted the EU challenge and that it always upheld the multilateral trading system.

The European Commission did not specify companies involved. China's largest smartphone makers are Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi
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and Honor, formerly owned by Huawei (HWT.UL). European SEP holders include Nokia
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and Ericsson
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The Commission said it had raised the issue on a number of occasions with China, without resolution.

The bloc believes China is violating the WTO's agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS).

WTO challenges start with a formal 60-day period of consultations between the parties after which the EU can request a WTO panel ruling. The process, including possible appeals, can take years.

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Good attempt from Beijing in trying to tackle the long arms jurisdiction of the West. They make all sort of trade rules among themselves + Japan (through the EU+ US Trade and technology council and trilateral US+EU+Japan) about intellectual property, setting tech standards, export controls and subsidies and then their own companies try to shove the IP rules through our throats using their own courts. There is no 'fair' trade (euphemism for neoliberalism). Only might makes right. The rest is sweet words for ignorant children. We should fight tooth and nail for our future including the menace that are US, EU and Japan.


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EU launches WTO dispute against China over telecom patents​

BRUSSELS, Feb 18 (Reuters) - The European Union launched a legal challenge against China at the World Trade Organization on Friday, arguing that Chinese courts were preventing European companies from protecting their telecom technology patents.

The European Commission, which filed the challenge on behalf of the EU's 27 members, said EU companies were being deterred from going to a foreign court to safeguard their standard-essential patents (SEPs).

The Commission has also consulted the United States and Japan, whose standard-essential patent holders face similar challenges and which want to be setting global tech standards, rather than leaving this to Beijing.

Mobile phone manufacturers need to obtain licences for SEPs for their products to meet certain international standards.

The Commission said Chinese courts had, since August 2020, been issuing "anti-suit injunctions", which prohibit EU companies from going to foreign courts, with the threat of heavy fines as a deterrent.

In one case, the fine was 130,000 euros ($147,758) a day, and the practice undermined the companies' negotiations on licence fees with Chinese smartphone makers, the EU executive said.

China said that it regretted the EU challenge and that it always upheld the multilateral trading system.

The European Commission did not specify companies involved. China's largest smartphone makers are Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi
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and Honor, formerly owned by Huawei (HWT.UL). European SEP holders include Nokia
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and Ericsson
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The Commission said it had raised the issue on a number of occasions with China, without resolution.

The bloc believes China is violating the WTO's agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS).

WTO challenges start with a formal 60-day period of consultations between the parties after which the EU can request a WTO panel ruling. The process, including possible appeals, can take years.

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Good attempt from Beijing in trying to tackle the long arms jurisdiction of the West. They make all sort of trade rules among themselves + Japan (through the EU+ US Trade and technology council and trilateral US+EU+Japan) about intellectual property, export controls and subsidies and then their own companies try to shove the IP rules through our throats using their own courts. There is no 'fair' trade (euphemism for neoliberalism). Only might makes right. The rest is sweet words for ignorant children.

What can I say, they learn from the best.


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Can EU even do local infrastructure properly in their own countries? Is that German airport in operation yet after all this time? Also, the WTO that can't handle cases because the US blocked appointment of new judges? They'll be waiting a long time for a decision when they in pretty bad shape right now.


Registered Member
Can EU even do local infrastructure properly in their own countries? Is that German airport in operation yet after all this time? Also, the WTO that can't handle cases because the US blocked appointment of new judges? They'll be waiting a long time for a decision when they in pretty bad shape right now.
Whose to say that money will really be used on infrastructure. It will come with strings attached as usual which will probably be related to ceasing cooperation with China in exchange for more.


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$170b for whole Africa?. this seem very small considering the cost of services in EU.
Russia can easily spend $200B to $300B to integrate Ukraine parts alone. few years back Crimea development cost alone were pegged at $24B.
EU will have to compete in Eastern EU. if EU lose ukraine than uKraine can become one of largest Agro supplier to China.. and that will further increase prices in EU as Ukraine was no 4 in 2020 and that was before the current runup in agro prices.
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