Miscellaneous News


No, Trudeau is a little eichmann of the white supremacist five eyes, only Jacinta Arden of New Zealand can be considered a true detractor of white Anglo supremacy
Actually Ardern at heart is hardcore Socialist/Communist of the eastern Europe variety. NZ will get closer to the current countries that make up 5 eyes with a change of government.


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When you have Clowns taking care your nation...

GLOBALink | Britain's fuel prices hit new highs amid cost of living crisis (2022.02.17)

The prices of petrol and diesel in Britain have both posted new record highs, pushing the cost of living crisis even further for British families. Xinhua's Ray Tang spoke to some drivers at a fuel station. Check out what they have to say.

Petrol price hit an average about two USD per liter while diesel costs an average of 2.048 USD per liter.

Ukraine Update: After 'Invasion Day' Flop US/UK Continue War Scare. Oil Price Approaches $100/barrel

By Alexander Mercouris - 18 FEB 2022

This may explain the high fuel prices in Britain for the commoners while their elite are pursuing their different agenda!!


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Western politicians aren't the guys running the show, its the big money interests behind them that call the shots. These folks are not stupid, they're the ones quietly making moves in various markets to maximize their profits. For example, even while the politicians call for decoupling to scare the uniformed and misinformed into selling Chinese stocks, the bigshots scoop those same stocks at bargain prices then convert them into ownership in Hong Kong and the mainland. Very cunning, these high level Wall St. types, I've witnessed how these people operate in my investment journey for a long time but really only began to understand in the past few years, and my journey began in my teens.