I detest this kind of individual that seeks to harm all the good that's being done and is being made in the country. It's by no means perfect or paradise, but it sure beats living in India, Mexico, Ukraine, Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina and eastern European countries that are a basket case of poverty and lawlessness.
And I'll be honest, if this man's irresponsible action was being done in the Philippines calling Duterte insulting names and alike while dress in a business attire, that man will most likely receive a freaking beat down from the public especially if it was done in Davao, City or anywhere in Mindanao region. Having the right to express oneself must be done in a responsible way and not just spew whatever the heck you want to say without expecting or even considering the implications of such toxic speech.
If someone tells you or anyone here demeaning attacks on anyone of our family members and loved ones, none of us "free thinkers" would just calmly express, ahh it's okay, that person who's attacking, maligning, demeaning my family is just exercising his or her rights to "free speech" ahh..what a beautiful country I live in....That would be an absurd and inhumane reaction or thinking.
I don't subscribe to what the French philosopher, Voltaire said, "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."