Please click on the YouTube video around the 18:00 mark and I am curious what most of you here think of what he said.
The Russians have their hypersonic weapon, that missile that can be launched from the air, ground, and submarine I believe. That missile will take out NATO command and control centers.
Then the Russians have the S-500 which is suppose to be the best anti-air system around, including defeating stealth according to the Russians.
As for ground forces, amour and putting boots on the ground. Forget about it.
If it happens, Russia will wipe out Ukraine forces all the way to that river, and maybe go beyond that if necessary. NATO will not arrive with amour and infantry for that fight.
Just my opinion, but this seems like a fake out.
The whole point is still that Nordstream-2 pipeline, that is what all this posturing and deflection is all about.
Maybe that sly fox decided that since they would not play nice with a pipeline, increase the stakes.
If it should go wrong, Russia still wipes out Ukraine and grabs buffer territory, and they can sell everything that was for Europe, sell it to China.
Putin and Russia have a plan, and it can go either way.
The United States and NATO, nothing but hot air.
Europe is like a free society. Any signs of troop movements?