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Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro you're an officer now, congratulation , you make us all proud! Al jazeera, BBC ,CNN and other western MSM sprout a lot of BS propaganda, same here in the Phil. It's an Internationale of Neo Lib, part of the WEF Davos of Klaus Schwab. RT was once being ridicule as being a Russian propagandist, well for me that trademark makes me a viewer cause if deviate from the normal view and make you think and analyze. That is the Raison d'etre of free press and journalism that Western MSM seems to forget.
@ansy1968 thank you Major, sir!! Lol


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The new generation of Chinese people is shedding the cucked mentality of some boomers and millennials:
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Remember bs like Huawei launching Harmony OS with a random WMAF couple for advertisement? No more, Gen Z is not going to give any red carpet treatment to the Western LBHs and they only have their own disgusting behavior (see: laowhy, serpentza, and all the other losers) to blame.

The world towards China is full of malice and danger. Even in countries that do not have a conflict of interest with China, many of their people hate China and are willing to hurt the Chinese if they get a chance because they trust the propaganda from the West. The lie repeated thousands of times also becomes the truth

Yan Xuetong did not try to persuade Westerners to stop thinking "China is evil". But he tries to convince people to think "Gen Z is evil"


Registered Member
Please click on the YouTube video around the 18:00 mark and I am curious what most of you here think of what he said.

The Russians have their hypersonic weapon, that missile that can be launched from the air, ground, and submarine I believe. That missile will take out NATO command and control centers.

Then the Russians have the S-500 which is suppose to be the best anti-air system around, including defeating stealth according to the Russians.

As for ground forces, amour and putting boots on the ground. Forget about it.

If it happens, Russia will wipe out Ukraine forces all the way to that river, and maybe go beyond that if necessary. NATO will not arrive with amour and infantry for that fight.

Just my opinion, but this seems like a fake out.

The whole point is still that Nordstream-2 pipeline, that is what all this posturing and deflection is all about.

Maybe that sly fox decided that since they would not play nice with a pipeline, increase the stakes.

If it should go wrong, Russia still wipes out Ukraine and grabs buffer territory, and they can sell everything that was for Europe, sell it to China.

Putin and Russia have a plan, and it can go either way.

The United States and NATO, nothing but hot air.

Europe is like a free society. Any signs of troop movements?


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Moderator - World Affairs
I was trying to gain some perspective and news from the recent Russia-U.S./NATO talks by watching Al Jazeera, DW, France 24 en, BBC, unfortunately, all the prevailing narrative is Russia bad, Ukraine a victim and the U.S./NATO is there to deter Russia from invading Ukraine. I didn't bother with CNN or any of the American news channels because it's even worse analysis.

So I decided to look up what's R.T.'s take on this tension and I happen to come accross this show and on this video Scott Ritter (Marine, former U.N. chief weapons inspector) made an interesting comment regarding the combat readiness of NATO/American troops in Europe or lack thereof. Please click on the YouTube video around the 18:00 mark and I am curious what most of you here think of what he said.

At 18:00 onwards, I agree that sometimes Democrats try to "one-upp" their Republican counterparts on who can hate Russia more, or who can be more hawkish/right-wing on foreign policy. This leads to Democrats/Republicans generally agreeing on a imperialistic policy, with Democrats of the more "work with allies"-style of imperialism, and Republicans the more "you are either with us or against us"-style of brute force imperialism. So I agree that it's almost CARTOONISH how American politics devolve to who can hate Russia or China more, like it's a pissing contest for domestic consumption.

RE: NATO tanks vs. Russian tanks. So what if Russia can deploy tanks quicker? US/NATO can outlast Russia in a prolonged war, so even if NATO is much much slower to mobilize it's force, it will eventually bring overwhelming firepower at some point in the future. Never understood the point? Is it that Russia can win a quick war and NATO submit?

RE: Nuclear weapons... I don't like the guys posturing about nuke. Yes, there is a possibility of nuclear war, but that is weapon of last resort. We all know they can blow each other into ashes, but I don't see that as any real analysis of the situation, just low-effort fear mongering.

RE: Ukraine as the ultimate loser unfortunately, the Biggest Loser. Yes. Ukraine becomes divided into buffer zone between West/Russia, just like Korea is a divided buffer zone today. A Western-aligned Ukrainian state, and an Russia-aligned defacto independent breakaway state.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
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Yeapp, at that time foreign agents were everywhere in China and at that time we hardly heard any criticism or attack on China, atthat time China was a "good" guy with rampant corruption. Now the corruption is very much under control, China is a "bad" guy according to the USA ;)
I personally don't believe this whole US-vs-China narrative. In my opinion, the biggest problem with the modern world is the death of the USSR, and the inability of the West to realize that the very existence of the USSR was the balancing force that prevented the internal degradation of the Western World.
It is because of the great Cold War, that people from both side are truly doing the best to prove to humanity that their system is worthy of being the universal system. Without the existence of the Soviet threat, who is there to threaten the big capitals of the West to not oppress the people? When the US and the West no longer has an enemy and great competitor, why would they need to curb their internal inequality? When the USSR is gone, why is there a need to keep on give money to NASA to make great stride in science and technology?


Registered Member
Please click on the YouTube video around the 18:00 mark and I am curious what most of you here think of what he said.

Almost forgot, there was a reference to "Boris and Natasha," which is a couple of characters from a old cartoon, The Rocky the Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose Show.


Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
I didn't know "Go back to China" is a joke. Racism is a joke? What planet do you come from?

"Go back to China" is racism, you don't play along with racism. You fight back against racism.
The way I look at it. I am happy those sore-loser Koreans are yelling "go back to China". In fact, the more angry they are, the more gleeful I get. Hahaha, yes, Chinese people only kneel to parents, ancestors and gods. Let the Koreans bark.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
For the life of me i don't understand koreans and japanese culture of bowing and kneeling, for me this is just the reflection of their feudal mentality which treats people they think lower than you like dirt, similiar to indian casteism

Coincidently or not these bowing and kneeling civilizations was the only asian civilizations that surrendered to the americans and continues to be occupied till today lmao
Actually, to be honest. These kneeling and bowing culture originated in China. They were heavily influenced by Chinese culture to have these customs. The word "拜年" literally means "bowing for the new year".