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Did France just conned China with its defective nuclear reactors
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The whistleblower, who works at a French nuclear energy company, warned that more than 70 fuel rods were damaged, 14 times the figure acknowledged by China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) in June, when it stated “about five” rods were damaged.
Additionally, the whistleblower claimed the damage may be linked to a “design flaw.”
Under pressure from public activism, France’s nuclear energy regulator, Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN), yesterday announced it would halt the development of the EPR reactor at Flamanville in Normandy, which uses the same design as Taishan, pending inquiries into the malfunctions at Taishan.
According to the whistleblower, the problem of the Taishan EPR reactor is “a not-very-successful hydraulic system at the bottom of the vessel which gives an uneven distribution of power in the assemblies. A transverse current is created in the core and causes the assemblies to move, especially those at the periphery.” The whistleblower’s claims were relayed by Bruno Chareyron, director of the Commission for Independent Research and Information about Radiation (CRIIRAD), a Paris-based NGO established in 1986 to monitor radioactive leaks in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster.
Following consultation with the whistleblower, CRIIRAD sent an open letter to the president of ASN, France’s nuclear energy regulator. The letter states that if the whistleblower’s concerns about Taishan 1 are borne out, the design flaw could compromise safety at other reactors of the EPR design, including Taishan 2, which is still operating, and the Flamanville EPR under construction in Normandy.
“At Taishan, the flow of water was not distributing in a proper manner, and the assemblies of nuclear fuel were having vibrations and shocks, which damaged them,” Chareyron said.

I hope the authorities pay close attention to this matter.
And also stop doing these useless French Nuclear Reactor designs


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Did France just conned China with its defective nuclear reactors
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I hope the authorities pay close attention to this matter.
And also stop doing these useless French Nuclear Reactor designs
CIA whistleblowers are the highest paid people in the world to blow into a whistle

CIA: blow into this whistle, here you go $40,000


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CIA whistleblowers are the highest paid people in the world to blow into a whistle
Yes but this time the French also stopped the development of their domestic nuclear reactor until they solve the problem

This means that this is beyond the usual bs stories. If they decided to halt their domestic reactor then they might be telling the truth (or part of it) this time


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The Ukraine - Russia tensions has increased and the summit has apparently hit a wall which only lead to more tensions.

* Due to the difference being great it was not possible to agree on anything
* Resulted in basically Putin keeping his forces along the border intact and saying he won't remove they are inside their own border

*His demands for eastward expansion was also denied he was basically demanding Ukraine to not be admitted into NATO including retreat of heavy weapons from the Baltic states and Poland nor putting there heavy weapons and ofcourse both were gonna get denied.

Washtington always knew that Putin or Russia was gonna become an eventual issue and it came to them sooner then later this will make NATO and US to direct their main focus on this front in the next decade or so whereas China will take backseat on the focus list and in fact everything else will take complete backseat as the Russian file is being taken very serious in the EU and US as this could unraval the entire western civilization if Putin was to press forward into Ukraine and invade many of the eastern european countries could break rank from the EU and NATO as a result of that meaning Putin is the greatest spoiler for them right now who is driving the knife inside them currently and they are taking this very very serious.

*I don't know if you have noticed there media has been slightly silent on the normal Anti-Chinese articles that use to flow and it is not because they have forgotten about China it is just because they are now all focussing on Ukraine and Russia hence their attention just diverted there.

*NATO's main head-quarters are there and if NATO has to win WW3 and re-ethablish another world order something similar to the Post-WW2 world then the journey will start from East-Europe that is what they have been planning for generations just fortitying the east but it is also coincidence that their first front will be there because they didn't know Russia will relapse into again the evil of axis and that is just from their point of view don't quote me on that evil of axis part just narrating from their point of view here..

*They will attempt to avoid war both sides for as long as possible but this is not possible in the long term and I mean by that in the coming few decades as Ukraine will also grow militarily with time and this is officially another DMZ zone the battle may be frozen for few decades but you know it will ignite one day for sure just like the DMZ
I don't see NATO entering a war for Ukraine, the most they'll do is supply weaponry. Ukraine is not a NATO member, so they are not obliged to respond. There is going to be political\economical retaliation for sure but they cannot really enter a war with Russia having a large nuclear arsenal. You are probably right that it is going to create another split within US-EU relations as Biden tried hard to shift the US resources from ME & Europe to Asia but the renewed danger on the European borders will force him to split attention again.

In my honest opinion using Russia as bait is the only solution once that front begins we take India or we trade Russia for India..
How are you going to trade Russia for India or vice versa, when the latter does not want to engage? Lol. Plus Pakistan-India conflict means that China has to pick one and the answer there is obvious - China-Pakistan ties are far deeper and Pakistan does not flip-flop like India.


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Export Controls​

“It is a problem for America that we are so reliant on Taiwan” for semiconductors today, Raimondo said.
Another element of the Asia economic framework is working to harmonize export controls to limit sensitive products that head to China “and other autocratic regimes,” Raimondo said.

“The devil is deeply in the details” on export controls, she also said, because measures shouldn’t be “overly broad,” such that they deny revenue that companies need to plow into their research and development.

“If America puts export controls vis-a-vis China on a certain part of our semiconductor equipment, but our allies don’t do the same thing, and China can therefore get that equipment from our ally, that’s not effective,” Raimondo said.

A third area for the new framework is writing technical standards and rules for artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, Raimondo said. “Working with our allies to together define the standards of what is responsible, ethical artificial intelligence -- that’s massively valuable.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said Friday at a regular press briefing in Beijing that the U.S. has been abusing its power to politicize issues involving trade and technology.
He also accused Washington of trying to “set up barriers to undermine international rules and sever the global market.”

Without paywall. Any thoughts, lads?

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Did France just conned China with its defective nuclear reactors
Either that or inferior quality of French products. I wonder to which one of those things France will admit, lol, either way, it does not look good for them as France keeps losing foreign contracts (first they got bitch-slapped by the US and were told to fuck off with their subs, now they supplied shitty reactor to China).


Registered Member
Either that or inferior quality of French products. I wonder to which one of those things France will admit, lol, either way, it does not look good for them as France keeps losing foreign contracts (first they got bitch-slapped by the US and were told to fuck off with their subs, now they supplied shitty reactor to China).
Probably inferior quality/incompetence on designing nuclear reactors

China should slap financial penalties to them for selling China these trash nuclear reactors. This is a serious business


Senior Member
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Probably inferior quality/incompetence on designing nuclear reactors

China should slap financial penalties to them for selling China these trash nuclear reactors. This is a serious business
France is set to lose another ship-building contract to the US. They are getting side-lined everywhere, how long till they raise the white flag? Lol.

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