Again, like a broken record, I have to repeat, China did do something for a local Chinese diaspora. I'm talking about 2015 Malaysia. That year, for some reason or another, the local political landscape found it convenient to scapegoat the local Chinese population for everything wrong under the sun. One politician/thug promised to come to the local Chinatown with even more thugs to teach the Chinese a lesson. The police were just standing there, observing.
But before the those thugs could carry out their threat, the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia went on a walk in Chinatown, and with the country's press on location, delivered a speech for the ages. "China and Malaysia are close friends, and it would be a pity if that would be jeopardized by some irresponsible behaviours. And China would not stand idly by to allow this to happen."
Next day, that thug was in police custody, and the troubles pretty much ended there and then.
I was shocked and truly grateful for China's actions that day. I never would have thought China would do something so forceful and in the open to help the local Chinese diaspora, or at least did not expect China to do it in 2015. But the local Chinese didn't abused this gesture, and we never expect this to be the case all the time. We are law abiding Malaysians, and we do contribute to the development of Malaysia.
What I'm trying to say is that, we shouldn't expect China to come to our rescue, violating every bilateral relationship with the country in concern, so that we can feel to be a part of the new Imperial Japanese Empire. I would strive to make sure that me or my offspring would be armed with the skills to be able to make a living and contribute to China's development in the future, so that, in the event that we would have to relocate back to our ancestral homeland, we would be more easily accepted back.
But I'm quietly confident if we have tried our best, sincerely, but still fall off short somehow, that China would still accept us. This is my trust in them.