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losing a low level ally like afghanistan is what change CN strategic environment?
Repost the original statement from State department of USA.
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I quote:
In July 2012, following the entry into force of the SPA, the United States designated Afghanistan a Major Non-NATO Ally.

The other Major Non-NATO allies are countries like Japan and Australia. So since when did the English word of "Major" begin to mean "low level". Or is it only in your dictionary?

lol are you obtuse or what? An almost failed country is what you think is a Tier 1, 2 or 3 ally?
Ok good, US lost Afghanistan. How much that change PLA calculus in comparison to losing JP?
It is not what people here think that Afghanistan is a tier 1 or 2 ally like Japan. It is the State Department of the United State of America. The person who is not able to or unwilling to grasp the content of this official document is obtuse.

How PLA calculate is non of your business or concern. Your concern should be to be consistent and honest to what you are saying and have said, to improve your comprehension of English language.
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Repost the original statement from State department of USA.
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I quote:
In July 2012, following the entry into force of the SPA, the United States designated Afghanistan a Major Non-NATO Ally.

The other Major Non-NATO allies are countries like Japan and Australia. So since when did the English word of "Major" begin to mean "low level". Or is it only in your dictionary?

It is not what people here think that Afghanistan is a tier 1 or 2 ally like Japan. It is the State Department of the United State of America. The person who is not able to or unwilling to grasp the content of this official document is obtuse.

How PLA calculate is non of your business or concern. Your concern should be to be consistent and honest to what you are saying and have said, to improve your comprehension of English language.
Afghanistan not a tier 1 or 2 ally. All of the rest of you post is just fuss. Semantics Over Substance.


Registered Member
Finally AMERICAN MSM are reporting this crisis at the border of their country.


The migrant situation is not what it may appears at first glance... the fact of the matter is despite folks like Pompeo and Cotton whom said it was slavery that actually slowed down the progress of US, ... America has never actually left slavery age nor has it put it behind, its simply instituted the 13th amendment loophole and per capita the US locks up more folks into prisons than rest of the world combined... the guys in US prison are true forced labor camps at merely $.40 cents per hour if they are lucky, and you wonder why 90% of all criminal cases (federal and state level combined) never even go to trial and just get convicted by coercion of plea bargain by the public defender who works for the state/government to con the slavery class into accepting their fate... in the US of A, if you don't have money then you cannot afford "justice".

Ask yourself why are there more and more gig workers now in the USA? It seems like now more and more folks are ubereats drivers, doordash delivery men, working now not only by the hour but also per the temporary assignment.. with no benefits and treated as independent contractors even though they have no agency of their own (IC's by definition set the hours of their own work and the terms of their own work etc etc) yet after you calculate the fact that most of these gig workers are actually making less than minimum wage and some even net losing money (even including the tips they get etc) since they are consuming their own depreciating asset (wear and tear on their own car/vehicle and gas consumption etc etc) its fair to say that a permanent slavery class has formed in the USA... and its here to stay... the gig worker class in America is now effectively worst off than slavery because they are mostly in effect paying themselves by reverse mortgaging away their assets (cars etc)

The migrants? They are a return to the historical past of America.... Senator Cotton may have helped US ban XinJiang but the US metaphorical cotton picking is now back in vogue... The fact of the matter is it is the US losing the EROEI "Energy Slaves" that has forced America to resort to explosive growth in its prison population (slave labor per the 13th amendment is allowed for convicted criminals etc) and also forced US to make up for it with the new permanent underclass (aka Gig workers) not to mention the waves upon waves of dirt poor migrants willing to work for pennies on the dollar in exchange for a meal ticket or promise of "pathway to citizenship" etc etc....
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Registered Member
Your saying "major" is not tier 1 or 2 is exactly a play of words trying to get rid of substance.

I must admit, I'm somewhat disappointed at the level of his response. For someone so senior here, I was expecting a higher standards of eloquent response, with well thought out reasons of what he had actually meant "major" allies. Etc.

But alas no. All we got was a squirming and twisting away from the original statement like a crooked politician.

Gee, give us here more credit than that. Please. We can see you had misspoke, and if he admit that, we can all move on and nothing more needs to be said. But, he decides to brave it out, and all of us here can see that, so it turned out to be quite embarrassing for all concerned. Lol.


Your saying "major" is not tier 1 or 2 is exactly a play of words trying to get rid of substance.
Sure, they are MAJOR ally. They were also under the US nuclear umbrella and were on course to become the five eyes' 'sixth eye', lol
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Lieutenant General

I actually saw some American TV personalities that are left-leaning actually upset that a US General would call the Chinese to warn them that his madman President was going to nuke them for domestic politics. So they would rather go ahead and let a madman President nuke a country because if it were to happen then it's better to have the US win and kill hundreds of millions of people than to have the enemy know beforehand and try to defend itself. I heard someone mention a movie called Fail Safe. I think I saw this movie before. I believe it was about a nuclear strike accidentally being launch and heading towards the Soviet Union and a decision had to be made for the US to face the repercussions of their mistake or actually launch a full scale nuclear strike on the Soviet Union to prevent any repercussions that the US would face. This is like the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia. Some people would rather believe it was intentional because they'd rather not want to admit it was a mistake. Americans don't admit when they're wrong because if they can admit to being wrong, they could've been wrong in the past. They could be wrong at anytime now and more importantly they could be wrong in the future. They don't want anyone hesitating and questioning them. Remember when the US was bragging about Prompt Global Strike where they could deliver a bomb anywhere in the world within a pizza delivery time of 30 minutes? They could put a nuke on it too but they demanded potential adversaries if it were used on them to wait and see until the warhead exploded to see if it was a nuke or not before they could retaliate in kind. Then when China came out with the ASBM, Americans warned that the US would launch nukes immediately after it was launched because they don't want bother to figuring out and thus wasting time to see if it was a nuke or not in order to discourage from China using it at all. They want blind immediate obedience. Be responsible as they would expect everyone else to do but does not apply when it's them.