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Registered Member
What's the point of complaining now that the deal has gone through?
Can it be stopped ?
If so, then they should stop it.
If not, then they need to make laws to make sure future deals go through government review even in HK.
It can be stopped, it was just an agreement for a sale, the sale didn't go through yet. Hutchison would have to pay a fee of course, but if they follow through they will also have massive losses in China and HK. Their monopolies are actually ruining Hong Kong, public discontent creates easy environment for Hong Kong government to intervene in Li Ka-shing's other business.


Registered Member
You are being naive if you think China’s response will be limited to merely sinking their navies if NATO dares to get involved in Taiwan.

China can be magnanimous, but it also has a long memory, and as far as I can recall, not a single member of the original 8 nations army ever formally apologised to China nor has China ever actually formally forgiven them for their crimes against the Chinese people. For them to come again to attack China would be far to much like an attempted re-enactment for China’s liking, so the retaliation will not be remotely as light as just the destruction of their expeditionary forces. China will deploy combat forces directly to the European theatre alongside the Russians and steamroll Europe. The French will surrender rather than use their nukes, and the British will have their nukes remotely disabled by the Americans and/or have all their SSBNs sunk by American SSNs if they don’t stand down, since any nuclear launch by a NATO state against Russia or China will inevitably result in full global nuclear MAD, and America doesn’t want to die for Europe.

America will retreat to CONUS and maybe comfort itself by annexing Canada and Latin America, while China and Russia lock down the resources of the Eurasian world island and quarantine America to the Americas. I think that’s a position both sides can settle for, and it will be a long Cold War of economic and technological isolation for America while China and Russia rebuild the rest of the world into a better and fairer place than it is today.
Every nation or people that has attacked or attempted to subjugate China either don't exist anymore or have been assimilated as a part of China. This current lot are just a work in progress.


Registered Member
And yet nobody benefits from America harvesting all of Europe. If the EU removes American multinationals and doesn't buy American weapons anymore, the US will be weaker. EU countries might decline more slowly than they would have otherwise, but they're similar to Japan in a way. They can't afford the debt that building a powerful army will incur. Not a real threat

A Europe that turns more and more into an American colony is much worse
Europe and USA are just 2 inbred cousins. They may fight between each other from time to time, but you still have to deal with both of them all the time. Killing one inbred cousin halves the trouble, and makes it easier to enslave / disable / kill the second.


Senior Member
Registered Member
It can be stopped, it was just an agreement for a sale, the sale didn't go through yet. Hutchison would have to pay a fee of course, but if they follow through they will also have massive losses in China and HK. Their monopolies are actually ruining Hong Kong, public discontent creates easy environment for Hong Kong government to intervene in Li Ka-shing's other business.
I would be very surprised if the MSS didn't know about the sale. I would imagine after Trump complained about Panama, MSS should be in contact with the company or have people close in the company informing them of any potential deals

If MSS get no idea, then they would be utterly incompetent, in which case china would not be doing at well as they have been.


Registered Member
"Chinese navy fighter jet crashes during training exercise, pilot escapes unhurt
The PLA said the jet came down on Saturday afternoon but no damage had been caused on the ground[...]"
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Registered Member
It can be stopped, it was just an agreement for a sale, the sale didn't go through yet. Hutchison would have to pay a fee of course, but if they follow through they will also have massive losses in China and HK. Their monopolies are actually ruining Hong Kong, public discontent creates easy environment for Hong Kong government to intervene in Li Ka-shing's other business.
Before there were business deals that need approval from other countries /market right? Woll that apply in this case? (If havent yet)
How much will be the effect if the deal pushes through?