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"What is "anti-sentimism""


Good Question

It's anything a Zionist doesn't like.

If a Zionist doesn't like garlic soup, then garlic soup is 'anti-buddhist'

And crazy ideas like human rights, democracy, and the very idea of Civilization ... are also 'anti-buddhist' because they go against what the Big Rag Doll in hands of Aramaic ventriloquists says in their bloody pamphlets

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And of course, it's 'anti-buddhist' that the Great Temple was built by an Arab king, Herod "the Great", son of "the Idumean" and a princess of Petra, when every congressman and congresswoman in Washington and even the puppets in Europe knows that the Great Temple was built by a rabbi from Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, or Belarus.

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And is 'anti-buddhist' any criticism of "our (bloody) colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" founded (1917-) by violent Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians and Belarusians, who at first (1936-) planted bombs in buses and cafes

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and now ...

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launch the bombs with ease from modern airplanes paid for by the American taxpayer


Lieutenant General
Honestly, I wouldn't mind the EU sending their entire navies to China's doorstep to "destroy the Chicoms and protect the democratic Wanwans".

China would be doing the entire Global South (except India and the Philippines, as they are welcomed to join the EU's adventure) a massive favor by sinking their entire navies there, and leave the EU defenseless against the refugee hordes coming from Africa and West Asia thanks to their own doing over the past centuries.

You are being naive if you think China’s response will be limited to merely sinking their navies if NATO dares to get involved in Taiwan.

China can be magnanimous, but it also has a long memory, and as far as I can recall, not a single member of the original 8 nations army ever formally apologised to China nor has China ever actually formally forgiven them for their crimes against the Chinese people. For them to come again to attack China would be far to much like an attempted re-enactment for China’s liking, so the retaliation will not be remotely as light as just the destruction of their expeditionary forces. China will deploy combat forces directly to the European theatre alongside the Russians and steamroll Europe. The French will surrender rather than use their nukes, and the British will have their nukes remotely disabled by the Americans and/or have all their SSBNs sunk by American SSNs if they don’t stand down, since any nuclear launch by a NATO state against Russia or China will inevitably result in full global nuclear MAD, and America doesn’t want to die for Europe.

America will retreat to CONUS and maybe comfort itself by annexing Canada and Latin America, while China and Russia lock down the resources of the Eurasian world island and quarantine America to the Americas. I think that’s a position both sides can settle for, and it will be a long Cold War of economic and technological isolation for America while China and Russia rebuild the rest of the world into a better and fairer place than it is today.


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And crazy ideas like human rights, democracy, and the very idea of Civilization ... are also 'anti-buddhist' because they go against what the Big Rag Doll in hands of Aramaic ventriloquists says in their bloody pamphlets

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And of course, it's 'anti-buddhist' that the Great Temple was built by an Arab king, Herod "the Great", son of "the Idumean" and a princess of Petra, when every congressman and congresswoman in Washington and even the puppets in Europe knows that the Great Temple was built by a rabbi from Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, or Belarus.

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And is 'anti-buddhist' any criticism of "our (bloody) colonial project" (Vladimir Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" founded (1917-) by violent Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians and Belarusians, who at first (1936-) planted bombs in buses and cafes

Not too familiar with this strain of "anti-buddhism" that you speak of, but it sounds quite intolerant, yet strangely arbitrary, or maybe just horribly misunderstood!

launch the bombs with ease from modern airplanes paid for by the American taxpayer

Are you talking about the time America's greatest ally mistakenly attacked the USS Liberty from the air with cannon fire, rockets and napalm bombs, and from the sea with torpedoes, very regrettably resulting in the murder of 34 Americans?



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European history has proven beyond all doubt that they cannot be allowed to have military or political or financial power.
And yet nobody benefits from America harvesting all of Europe. If the EU removes American multinationals and doesn't buy American weapons anymore, the US will be weaker. EU countries might decline more slowly than they would have otherwise, but they're similar to Japan in a way. They can't afford the debt that building a powerful army will incur. Not a real threat

A Europe that turns more and more into an American colony is much worse


Senior Member
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And yet nobody benefits from America harvesting all of Europe. If the EU removes American multinationals and doesn't buy American weapons anymore, the US will be weaker. EU countries might decline more slowly than they would have otherwise, but they're similar to Japan in a way. They can't afford the debt that building a powerful army will incur. Not a real threat

A Europe that turns more and more into an American colony is much worse
Europe is already an American colony, without Europe it'll just be America
and no America doesn't deserve power either.