Four dead in protests in Nigeria over new Charlie Hedbo cartoons. As I said in another thread, the adage that 'the pen is mightier than the sword' does not persist today for no good reason, and that what people choose to write and say can carry extremely serious consequences. At what point does defiance turn into aggregance? When does freedom for some come at the cost of oppression for others?
I believe in the freedom of journalism. That it should not be suppressed, that no power should use it for it's own agenda and that it should be unvarnished. And that I agree with, where the Press, needs to be untouched by governments, bureaucracies or corporate goons. That it should function as a prime source of absolute truth and one which pursues the truth to no limit. That there should be no consequences, nor should there be any violence against the press.
As such, the Press/Journalism, have a profound responsibility of pursuing the truth and making the correct moral and practical decisions which would directly shape and influence the world.
What Charlie Hedbo did, was irresponsible, reckless and childish. His behavior was NOT a true reflection of what Press/Journalism really is. Rather he acted like a child, who wanted "THAT" candy ..... the one he could not have. So, despite all moral and ethical bounds, he took it upon himself to provoke and poke a dormant element. An element, which is at the very heart of Islam and IN the heart of every Muslim. And that is utter and absolute respect, honor and reverence of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam - Peace & Blessings be Upon Him). Which is the same respect Muslims (the overwhelming majority of the 2 billion of us) have for Jesus the Messiah (Peace be Upon Him) - Son of the blessed & chaste Virgin Mary (Peace be Upon Her) and Prophet Moses (Peace be Upon Him).
I condemn and abhor the act of murder, carnage and demonic character of those who attacked Charlie Hedbo. These terrorists, do not deserve to be considered as humans. Not even animals, because even animals don't act like this. They, the terrorists, are more like demons, souless and deserve to burn in hell. They have hijacked Islam, illiterately and ignorantly acted, in an apparent defence of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam. And they know NOTHING about Islam what so ever. In fact, they do not deserve to be called Muslims, at all!!!
Charlie, for all his education, knowledge and experience, acted unprofessionally. He either had no idea how to approach the subject of extremism that plagues the Islamic World. Or he was just plain ignorant. And that is very disappointing, coming from someone, who lives in a democracy and who supposedly cherishes Freedom of Press!
Despite his (charlie's) foolish act of printing what he printed ...... I as a Muslim, pray that God have mercy on his soul and grant peace, tranquillity and comfort for his family. And yes, not even a man like charlie, should have ever been treated like this. Every human, is to be respected, treated with kindness and compassion. And charlie, was a human!
If it were me responding in defence of Islam, I would call for a formal dialogue with Charlie and all those who (Press) have printed (which ought not to have been printed). If we truly are who we say we are, the West say they are civilized and the Muslims say they are peaceful. Then it would not be so hard for us to sit down and have a meaningful dialogue, where both parties would acknowledge each other's points and move forward with respecting one another's stance.
Freedom of Press, comes with an enormous responsibility and a test of one's morals. And respect for religion, be it Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and etc, ought to be adhered to, being a true civilized person, group, nation or culture.