To be fair, it is not entirely "give away" from Taiwan to US, in this case. I have a long history of dealing with Texas Instruments (TI) and Motorola Semiconductor. Almost all of those famous semiconductor hotshots out of Taiwan either learned or got their career in Fairchild, TI, Motorola, AMD or Intel (both of which were founded by Fairchild alumni). Particularly for TI and Motorola, they once had dedicated teams of building wafer fab that Intel or AMD never had. Morris Chiang was a VP of engineering at TI. Richard Chiang was a VP of engineering at TI. Similar situation also applies to the Korean semiconductor sector.
Taiwanese would be really stupid if they just gave away everything to the US. Yeah don't forget the US would less likely come to Taiwan's aid if they could make those precious chips at home and not need Taiwan.
Suffice it to say, semiconductor is as American as Coca-Cola. It was foolishness of USA that allowed those colonies taking over their semiconductor fabrication industry. For all Taiwanese boasting or bragging about TSMC, in essence, it was an American company disguised in its on-paper domicile.
What is important in the current semiconductor drama is that, for the first time since semiconductor was invented in US, there is another country that is building up an entire indigenous semiconductor eco-system. If the first act of US foolishness in letting Taiwan and Korea taking over its semi fab industry was laissez-faire capitalism, this second act of US foolishness in forcing China into semi fab self-reliance is entirely political madness in DC.