What better way to prepare your feudal lords for a fight then by losing them a big war and then betraying them in the negotiations afterwards? Guaranteed they will all show up in the muster in the next war against an even stronger enemy.It's all in the name of protecting a stupid country far away from Canada just so it can pretend to boast in principle about the-so called "rules based order." When the whole world knows is nothing other than an American led west imposition.
Just take all the pretentiousness of the Eurocucks bloviating about their need to protect their continent from the Russian orks making declarations of raising their defense need and then plans or planning to station their meagre amount of soldiers in Ukraine with one major CAVEAT: UNDER THE AUSPICES/PROTECTION AND GUARANTEE OF THE U.S. LOL
The whole continent in my opinion is a f..ng joke. If you guys and gals are going to proclaim your importance and the supposed majestic power they possess, show it in action and not just in flowery speeches and countless meanderings on T.V.
If you say you're going to do X, Y, Z against Russia, DO IT without hesitation. Perhaps then people outside their lived and protected bubble would actually start respecting them (a little bit).
All these requests for a rise in defense spending is nothing than an exercise to prepare the EU continent against China - since it's the only country capable on taking them all on.
Watch and look at the respective EU countries focus in terms of weapons procurements and focus of attention. If their Navy, industrial capacity, natural mineral resources mined etc...and the desperate attempt by the current American regime of King Trump I to bring Russia side into the western fold - against the very wishes and demands of the vassals. It's the great imagination and wishful thinking that a unified EU with Russia/U.S. would more than enough to beat the snot out of commie China. That's what in my opinion is the driving force behind all of these moves which is why Trump and his syncopanths don't have the patience to explain to their dimwitted EU cousins what's up.
Imho it's mostly just cope from Americans thinking they can still contest hegemony with China and that Trump has 4D chess to help them do that. No, Trump is just consolidating domestic power and seeking a way to disengage/run from a direct fight with China.
Biden was the one trying to vie for hegemony with China, that's the reason why so many of his politics seemed so two sided and schizophrenic, because he was pursuing the big tent coalition he would need in order to somewhat argue what amounts to a bunch of feudal subjects with different interests to join together. Trump is doing the opposite of that.