View and application of power is two different thing. They are not much interested in F-35 as it does not have that Boeing attach to it.There was a time when Donald Trump the real estate developer turned reality TV star welcomed GCC elites as LPs. That time has long passed.
You're welcome to disagree, but if Uncle Sam actually considered GCC sheikdoms as more than vassals, then the UAE or KSA would've received F-35s already like Israel.
Not trying to be impolite or to dismiss our Arab friends, but I don't see the point to applying makeup on the American political establishment's view and treatment of GCC sheikdoms.
Gulf state only invest when the company perform much more than one dimensional when scale becomes big. They are not going to change policies just for F-35. If F-35 has Chinok or large Civil airline order than they can overspent on it to built that relationship.
MBS publicly said to No Biden when he raised various issues to him in 2022.