I'm not sure why there is so much interest and attention to the author's appearance and background when the real significance of her ASPI piece (regurgitated on Twitter) is the frank disclosure of the objectives of these China-focused NGOs threatened by the withdrawal of USAID funding, and the explicit framing of those activities as contributing to an ideological war prosecuted by ASPI, USAID, et al. to demonstrate and propagate to the world notions of western superiority and Chinese inferiority.
1. All these people do is spread hate. We know who the target is.
2. Obviously, they are completely full of it.
3. With the funding gone, they will not have a job, this could be the last time we ever talk about that evil.
4. They went after the current president. Serves them right.
5. They thought they were untouchable, due to freedom of the press, in other words ideology was their calling card. These zealots got it where the sun don't shine. That is why this story is interesting on so many levels.
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