We live in such a politically correct word folks have trained themselves to not see the obvious. I've been telling many people the same thing and I can't understand how they can't see it.
Trump and many of his followers believe in the primacy of the white race, while many of them aren't racist, they believe in white supremacy. They believe whites are the most intelligent human and it's their right to rule over everybody else, they don't have an issue with others but as long as they "stay in their lane" then it's all good.
I'd call it racism if by "staying in their lane" means being the sweatshop worker, maid, servant, or other menial worker.
It's in French but it lays out the central point which is again and again over the last century white people underestimate others because they just cannot bring themselves to take non-whites seriously. Even afterwards there is a lot of excuses and coping, like for example after the Battle of Tsushima in 1905 which saw Japan decisively defeat Tsarist Russia. Europe dismissed it as not proving Asians were equal as Russia was corrupt, not truly modernized, and not "truly" white. It's the whole "no true Scotsman" fallacy.
This overweening arrogance seems to be instilled at an early age:
That is from a Danish documentary over 10 years ago in which Danish students were pitted against an equivalent Chinese class. They were tested in math, English, and creativity with creativity being judged by an independent panel of judges. The Danish school principal and students were confident they would win in English and creativity while grudgingly conceding they might lose in math (that whole Asian stereotype even if true). The results were the Chinese class winning in all categories. The Danish response was to say that they had more fun in school and were happier and that meant they were the real winners, while the Danish principal said that despite the result of the creativity test he stood by his stance that Danish students were more free and therefore more creative than Chinese students. This attitude of denial of reality is taken into adulthood and I think we can see this in all the copium we see now in response to any new major advance by China in the news.