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Don’t be crazy. PLAN is not powerful enough to go beyond the second island chain.
As long as 和平共处五项原则 (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) is still the foundation of PRC's foreign policy, PRC would not be looking for security deals or be giving security guarantees.
Of course I don't expect PLAN ships sailing to their aid, but as we see in Ukraine, you don't need boots on the ground to have a major impact. Countries would feel a lot safer if they had a few anti-carrier ballistic missiles on their soil.


Trump 2.0, based on all that I've seen so far, is serious about Making America Great Again.

We talk a lot here about how the US is a sinking ship and a collapsing empire. But underneath it all, the US still does have a lot going for it as a country: 1) the vast quantities of untapped resources, 2) its status as the sole financial super power, 3) control over most of the world's software platforms, 4) lack of geopolitical rivals on its side of the world, 5) fairly healthy demographics (relative to other first world countries, that is), 6) a system of allies most of whom are willing to sacrifice themselves for the US, delusional as they are.

The trouble with the Democrats is that, for various ideological reasons, they aren't capitalizing on these advantages. Instead, they're actively pretending like the US is still the super power that it was twenty years ago, where it could afford to be the "defender of the free world" and "promote liberalism wherever it exists." Thus the Democrats are more likely to sacrifice US national interests for the sake of global liberalism, resulting in policies like subsidizing NATO, baiting the Russians into a war, writing blank checks to democratic movements, and so on.

Trump seems a lot smarter about this - and I say this as a person who originally bought into the Democratic propaganda that he was just an orange idiot born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He recognizes the fact that the US is sinking, and that the key to preserving US power is fixing the US's internal problems, not defend the "liberal international order." Indeed, he's ready to sacrifice that order, if it means retaining American national power and preeminence.

Towards this end, a lot of what Trump is doing actually makes sense, and are policies I'd have sooner expected from the more pragmatic Chinese leadership. From stopping the flow of illegal immigrants, to ditching the liberal free riders, to cracking down hard on institutional / bureaucratic rot, to tearing down "cancel culture" & radical feminism & social justice scams, to unleashing the potential of the US's vast natural resources. These are all moves designed to improve the US's competitiveness in the decades to come.

I think if you're really watching, understand what's going on, and want the US to fail, then you should be far more concerned about what Trump is doing than what Biden did. Because ultimately, Biden landed the country in a spot where it had no choice but bet it all on AI to save US hegemony, while Trump is putting the US on a stronger foundation for long-term success, with or without AI. I hope Chinese leaders are ready to dance - Trump 2.0 is looking better than ever.
I agree that Trump, unlike the Democrats, seems to understand that America is in trouble and needs to take dire actions to boost national power.

However, the drawback to the Trump strategy is that he cannot grow American power at the expense of its enemies (China, Russia), so he does it at the expense of its allies! In doing this, he is essentially harvesting parts from and damaging the American empire in order to power up America the nation. The issue is that America the nation is no match for China at all. Lower population, lower STEM interest, lower average intellect, lazier work ethic; there's just no reason it can compete. It's a very difficult act to balance; do you confront China as a weaker nation leading an empire that only loosly follows orders or do you scrap the empire and harvest its parts to confront China as a stronger nation? The Democrats preferred the former while Trump prefers the latter. (In media, generally, when you see the gang boss declare all his minions as imbeciles and start killing them to harvest whatever he can get, he's about to go into his Swan song battle with the hero.)

The main problem is that there is just too much power in a fired-up China alone for the West to contend with. You can add 1+1+1+1+3 or 0.5+0.5+0.5+0.5+5 in whatever combo you like but it's not going to be over 10.
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Honestly at this point I'm like 90% suspicious the seeseepee unironically has some sort of terrifying mind control. Right at the point the US was FINALLY about to pivot to confront China, they somehow found yet another inexplicably random (would've been unthinkable 5 years ago and had never been suggested) and laughably unnecessary quagmire to get bogged down in, which may also be the worst one yet. And no one sees anything wrong with this, including all of his advisors who talked big about prioritizing China. And it somehow has broad public support judging by the replies on Twitter. It is very simply beyond comprehension to me.

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View attachment 144079

America's top dog India is way in front of Japan, India Supapowa 2020!
Meanwhile Han Zheng, some Chinese VP that most people never heard of gets to stand behind Trump along some rather familiar people.

This is real pathetic. They keep saying China worries about Face but India is going 10x on face here to deny that they got snubbed hard.

Btw this is Modi's fault. He snubbed Trump during his campaign because he though Harris could win. Thats so typical of Indian behaviour you know. They don't put their heads out when there's a risk or things are tough but are the first one when things are over to claim credit.
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Wow he really despises John Bolton

If I remember this, it was John Bolton who had Meng Wenzhou arrested. Bolton justified it as a ploy to put Huawei into a panic, a risk that he thought that they should take, that was during the height of the US government versus Huawei 5G war.

Bolton did not tell President Trump.

That is probably why Xi and Trump can still communicate. If the Chinese blamed Trump for that, then, you know.

So fuck him.