@horse bro everybody gives Biden ZERO respect, that's what happen when you have a lame duck president and its dangerous, 4yrs of this shit the world will engulf into chaos and war.
I think the United States overplayed their hand based on the usual assumptions.
President Trump was kind of hard to deal with, but he did not take the country closer to another war. The Biden people, it is hard to say what they are doing.
Seems like there could be three additional fronts against Iran, China, and Russia, along with all the other ongoing wars. LOL!
The Americans have a very peculiar view of the world, views that are based on narrative, and not based on facts.
Narratives do not need all the facts, narratives just need some facts to sustain itself.
This global chip shortage, is a very strange story. Have you ever heard or seen anything like this? No one has. We got American companies inside America without chips, and had to layoff workers and stop production.
Meanwhile in China, there were record car sales, and record cell phone production and sales, products that all require chips. Chinese companies have NO shortages, and have stockpiles of chips it is reported.
How did Chinese companies have stockpiles of chips, while the Americans have a shortage of chips to the point of stopping production? I thought I read GM will be losing out on $1 billion worth of potential profits because of this chip shortage. No soup for you.
The point is, the narrative is that America has allies, unlike China, and America and its allies will work together to confront China. This narrative extends to all facets of the America-China relationship.
However, as the facts are being told to us, this narrative does not extend to the current chip shortage. Chinese companies have stockpiles. American companies have no soup for you.
If you were CCP, and you were watching this, obviously the CCP is convinced the American government is a bunch of fools. CCP will correctly assess the situation that the so-called American allies under their alliance system, made sure Chinese companies had stockpiles of chips, while American companies face shortages, lower profits, and layoffs to the proletariat. The CCP would think, that since those allies are willing to give the advantage to Chinese companies creating a chip shortage, well, you know, this is so damn obvious what is happening except for the American government. No soup for you!
Then tomorrow, we will definitely read in the Liberal media, how this American alliance system will take on China and put China in it place.
My feeling is that the American government and Liberal media will stick to the same narrative of America and it allies will stick together in this tech war, until they find another narrative, such as America will strive for self-sufficiency, like Juche policy of North Korea.