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Why are you so sacred of a Russian gas pipeline into Central Asia? You keep denying it and trying to push for Arabian energy instead. Central Asian economies are growing. They will need more energy. Russia has the capacity to provide both Central Asia and China with energy. But you appear to be in sheer denial about the mere suggestions of Russia building a pipeline there.
I never said anything about Russia pipeline with Central Asia. Energy infrastructure is already integrated. My point was China hitching into this pipeline system rather than investing in a separate route and separate reserve development. you can already see why that South Stream was separately developed than Turkish pipeline (blue Stream) which is separate than Ukranian pipelines. this is issue is much more complicated due to presence of soft power.

Gasprom has 230bcm of annual free capacity but instead suggesting that China to invest and buy expensive LNG from a new project decades into the future. The only thing you have shown is your total incompetences.
it depends on locations. its is not available every where.
You still refuse to answer the question. Why are they building pipelines to China if they don’t need it. All your previous posts would only answer the question had it been why they shouldn’t be building a pipeline to China. But that isn’t the question. Why are they building pipelines to China. Even a simple answer of calling them stupid would be an answer nonetheless but you refuse to give any.
why will they refuse if China is investing and despite so long in operations hardly 50bcm per year reached.


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Assad was a despot and a bloody murderer (according to what we're told and fed by his numerous enemies both from within and abroad) and the people of Syria have spoken loudly - through the barrel and swords of ISIS and its masters.

Hmm..the people itself of that country chose a different path; a path towards more religious fundamentalism. To deny this is what the majority have chosen for themselves is to deny reality. We can't pity or seek those who can't and or unwilling to help themselves. God helps those who help themselves.

From the two posts I see that you believe that Syrian people have made their choice of HTS because of their action or inaction. However, history has shown me that most of general public do not make a choice but passively accept whatever fall on them, winner of power doesn't neccessarily represent people. CCP's was almost annihilated by KMT in the early 1930s, does that mean that majority of Chinese choose KMT and facism? Then in late 1940s the same population choose CCP over KMT, because communism? People choose whoever can finish quickly a fight, and they stay with whoever can deliver "quick" solution regardless long term. That is the sad reality. If today's Syrian deserve no pity, I don't think anybody does. Chinese are not different from anybody on the planet on this basic human nature, we are just "lucky" to have a strong leadership who made right choices and defeated our own evil.


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The phrase "Defending the nation" has been replaced by "Defending Allah", among other changes.
Moving from seculism and nationalism to religious fundamentalism.

Other proposed changes include Evolution and the Big Bang theory being dropped from science teaching.
Rejecting science and reasoning.

References to the gods worshipped in Syria before Islam, as well as images of their statues, are also being dropped.
The significance of the great Syrian heroine Queen Zenobia, who once ruled Palmyra in the Roman era, seems to have been downplayed.

Destroying Syria's rich history.
Fundamentalism was a 1920s movement among Evangelical Christians to conserve their religion against the growing critique against it, particularly from the advancements in science and philosophy. The driving force was blind belief, as answers based on reason and logic were not possible (i.e. the Trinity: 1+1+1=1). The philosophical critique originated in the Renaissance, before which the Christian world was in the dark ages that punished science by death. Incidentally, the European powerhouse of science in the middle ages was Islamic Spain, the proliferation of it inside Christian Europe was a trigger for the Renaissance and European Christians called it a Muslim conspiracy against Christianity.

This entire concept never applied to Islam, as Islam's golden age was concurrent with widespread proliferation of science and philosophy. All the greatest scientists and philosophers from the Islamic world (i.e. Avicenna, Averroes, Ghazali, etc) were also religious clerics and theologians. 9th century theologian al-Jahiz wrote of evolution and natural selection, and many more after that up until the colonial times.

Once the Islamic world forfeited science, it entered into it's own dark age. And the dumbass religious scholars unnecessarily adopted the Evangelical line of defense, not only to their own detriment but also against their historical tradition, primarily because they were ignorant in science.

Now as I see it in 2024, Muslim theologians and clerics are slow to adopt science but somewhat accepting of philosophy though still very critical. They've improved from the colonial era when they were at the nadir. But I have only witnessed this improvement outside of the middleast. The Arabs are still rock bottom.

As for Syria, my estimate is a long civil war, Afghanistan 2.0 + a fatal mistake by Erdogan which will destabilize Turkey at best or lead to it's destruction at worst.

From the two posts I see that you believe that Syrian people have made their choice of HTS because of their action or inaction. However, history has shown me that most of general public do not make a choice but passively accept whatever fall on them, winner of power doesn't neccessarily represent people.
I think Syrians would've backed anybody Muslim, Shia or Sunni, against Assad, regardless of how fanatical they are, purely on ethnoreligious grounds. Syria is almost 90% Sunni, while Assad is an Alawite, something like a sub- sub- sect of Shia syncretized with Syriac Christianity, a small group concentrated in Latakia, who held majority of the positions of power in the country.

The Alawite rise to power has it's roots in the French Mandate. Alawites are not even actually considered a sect of Islam by most Muslims including the Shia. Minority rule over the majority, just like in Saudi Arabia where the British installed the Wahhabi minority over the Hanbali majority.




Registered Member
I never said anything about Russia pipeline with Central Asia. Energy infrastructure is already integrated. My point was China hitching into this pipeline system rather than investing in a separate route and separate reserve development. you can already see why that South Stream was separately developed than Turkish pipeline (blue Stream) which is separate than Ukranian pipelines. this is issue is much more complicated due to presence of soft power.

it depends on locations. its is not available every where.

If your point was about China building a separate system (which is fine to debate/discuss) then why was the last 3 posts about the Russians and Putin? You are acting like you weren’t yapping about the Russians and their new pipeline proposal since the beginning.

that minister is talking from his own ministry perspective. he has that extra capacity in that region but he will not know what will happen in next 5 to 10 years especially in region with soft power. even Putin is still learning that soft power.
Putin talk like this for international visits but once things goes into detail and the real demographic calculation this will not be that easy to implement as there is that soft power involved. Putin was mentioning he constantly get reports about this special military operations but it took him two years to realize the women in forces should exit Ukraine and this he telling to women pilots.
yes ministry will make recommendation and Putin will support it but once it goes into implementation stage than all stake holders will be consulted as this thing pass through soft power. when Putin get stuck than that soft power bails him out whether in Syria or Ukraine or demographic policy of early births or exit of women soldiers from Ukraine. Putin is always late in understanding soft power.
The proper way for China if it need Russian gas is that Russia develop a new gas field possibly Arctic and piped it to Northern China with binding long term contracts.


In any case, I don’t intend to continue this anymore since it is either constantly changing topics or endlessly yapping about Arabs. You can refer to this if you want to read further about Turkmenistan and their economic and gas challenges.

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Registered Member
Talking about Arabians creating a state from the Caspian sea to the Arabian Sea, being the centre of the world energy trade, Arabian soft power, Russia energy pipelines are doomed to fail.
why will Arabs not create own state when it is they who keep afloat many states (including Iran with UAE trade and managing things with Israel and US)and it is Arab aviation that need flight routes to North. Russia pipelines work on behalf of creating Arabic Soft Power.

It is becoming abundantly clear. There is an irrational fear of Russia exporting gas, gaining market share, and geopolitical leverage in Central Asia because it doesn’t align with Arabian supremacy.
where i said Russia cannot export gas. but better this thing is done through non muslim country like Mongolia or directly to China.
you still not getting that with time demographics and interests changes.


Registered Member
If your point was about China building a separate system (which is fine to debate/discuss) then why was the last 3 posts about the Russians and Putin? You are acting like you weren’t yapping about the Russians and their new pipeline proposal since the beginning.

my point was pretty clear from beginning when i put 4 or 5 mistakes of Putin where Arabic soft power rescued him. This pipeline proposal hasn't gone through that deep thought. It is upto China to understand these things.

In any case, I don’t intend to continue this anymore since it is either constantly changing topics or endlessly yapping about Arabs. You can refer to this if you want to read further about Turkmenistan and their economic and gas challenges.

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Turkeministan is not upto to task and this is without demographic changes that is going to happen and additional demands Arabs will impose on it when time comes.
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Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan to Build Trans-Afghan Corridor​



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By 2030, 45% of US adult women will be childless and single. Sorry, child free. They will be happy to be free of family and loved ones because they will be free to buy more capitalist luxury items and binge more capitalist media.

The PUTIN movie is real?!
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The problem is way more bleak on the demand side of the equation. According to OnlyFans, nearly half of its 220 million users are Americans, or more than 94 million. Considering that 87% of users overall are male, we can assume that’s about 82 million American men, three-quarters of whom are reportedly in that 18-45 age bracket.

Let us hope that OnlyFans is inflating some of these numbers because the back-of-the-envelope math would indicate that those 62 million OnlyFans users are nearly half of all American men aged 18-45. If these numbers are indeed correct, OnlyFans is a crisis of consumption, not supply.

I hope those 2023 OnlyFans stats are wrong, cause otherwise :(


Registered Member
The best strategy for Chinese is:
1. To back both Indians and Koreans to fight each other.
2. Always keep the subject being of Korea and India, nothing else.
even for Koreans, this is a loss of face, to have to lower oneself to grapple with Indians. Indians are on the same level as Nigerians in terms of dvelopment.

By 2030, 45% of US adult women will be childless and single. Sorry, child free. They will be happy to be free of family and loved ones because they will be free to buy more capitalist luxury items and binge more capitalist media.

The PUTIN movie is real?!
can't wait to see the russia counter film on Biden's Laptop with AI augmented features on actors.