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Registered Member
today price is much cheaper than deciding several years later. and nothing prevent North Korea getting it. its better to have redundancy. its not like this enough as China still buying LNG.

Uzbekistan was exporter now it is importing. considering the trends in population. i dont think there will be much surplus in system and without long term contracts it will get expensive. it will be cheaper for Turkeminstan to sell to Afghanistan than cross it over several countries. North South is Soft Power Project.

The EU imported 150bcm of gas from Russia with +445 million people a couple years ago. Central Asia has a population of +90 million. You say it is cheaper for Turkmenistan to sell it to Afghanistan. Then why are they building an 4th pipeline to China? Why are they building 110bcm pipeline capacity to China when it is cheaper to sell to Afghanistan? Are they incompetent? Wasting billions in pipeline construction when they should be selling it to Afghanistan.


Registered Member
The EU imported 150bcm of gas from Russia with +445 million people a couple years ago. Central Asia has a population of +90 million. You say it is cheaper for Turkmenistan to sell it to Afghanistan. Then why are they building an 4th pipeline to China? Why are they building 110bcm pipeline capacity to China when it is cheaper to sell to Afghanistan? Are they incompetent? Wasting billions in pipeline construction when they should be selling it to Afghanistan.
so you can rely on Turkmenistan for next 5 to 10 years considering the trends in the region? not even Iran could estimate correctly. Uzbekistan is next example, Kazakhstan is another example. All are ending up in this situation. Putin is much more effective than these countries in implementing Arabic Soft Power.

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Turkmenistan starts building gas pipeline to reach major province in Afghanistan​

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High-level UAE delegation visits Turkmenistan to discuss advancing bilateral relations in strategic sectors​



Registered Member
so you can rely on Turkmenistan for next 5 to 10 years considering the trends in the region? not even Iran could estimate correctly. Uzbekistan is next example, Kazakhstan is another example. All are ending up in this situation. Putin is much more effective than these countries in implementing Arabic Soft Power.

You literally don’t read anything that was posted here. The Russian pipelines can be connected to the Turkmenistan pipelines. If Turkmenistan finds itself in a position of increased domestic demand. They can facilitate the transport of Russian energy to China in their excess export capacity in exchange for an transit fee.

Also who builds pipelines that they anticipate 5 years of use? These are expensive multi-year long term projects. Are you implying that Turkmenistan energy professionals, government ministries, and bank financiers are all incompetent? To continue building a multi-billion dollar project for several years that they don’t anticipate will see any use in 5 years?


Lieutenant General

Look at these evil Chinese whipping their cotton picking machines to make money for them like slaves in Xinjiang.

If China was buying American cotton picking machines monopolizing the country, where is the Uighur slave labor by the millions happening as accused by the West? Yes create a lie using the image of Americans slaves picking cotton manually and falsely give it to China.


Registered Member
The cost of the USA’s tendencies to treat their forces like expendable cannon fodder. Not only does it kill the desire to go over seas to die for a group of uncaring elites that literally have no heart but it also causes those who have been discarded when they are no longer useful to have desires to commit murder. Now currently these elites have been shielded from the consequences of their own inhumanity but one day, they might end up eating a poison pill one of these days and should the nation fall apart given the nations current trajectory, these disappointed veterans might decide, since these worthless elites hold no meaning in a broken nation, might as well get rid of them and turn the place into fallout 3. If course this will make many nation around the world that despise the USA and its war list happy, I can’t imagine those idiots in Washington will be sharing the same joy
Idk man, I'm also reading now that the tesla bomb and ISIS attacker were from the same car renting service.

Who knew that tacitly allowing if not supporting ISIS to become more powerful and now in control of a whole actual state including airports and national level funding is going to backfire on "the infidel west" as ISIS themselves calls them?


Registered Member
You literally don’t read anything that was posted here. The Russian pipelines can be connected to the Turkmenistan pipelines. If Turkmenistan finds itself in a position of increased domestic demand. They can facilitate the transport of Russian energy to China in their excess export capacity in exchange for an transit fee.
Russian pipeline will have capacity caped in Northern Kazakshstan. unless it is designed differently than it will have different transit revenues for Kazakhstan.
Also who builds pipelines that they anticipate 5 years of use? These are expensive multi-year long term projects. Are you implying that Turkmenistan energy professionals, government ministries, and bank financiers are all incompetent? To continue building a multi-billion dollar project for several years that they don’t anticipate will see any use in 5 years?
why you think Turkmenistan will be better than the rest of examples i gave you. you are simply underestimating the impact of population growth and the extreme weather. and Arabs are sitting next door in Afghanistan. you never know what kind of wealth and soft power they are going to establish in next couple of years that Turkmenistan will not be able to refuse.
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Construction of a key segment of the Central Asia-China gas pipeline in Tajikistan has been delayed due to pricing disagreements among participating countries, Energy Minister Daler Juma announced at a press conference.
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During abnormal frosts, Turkmenistan suspended gas supplies to Uzbekistan, Iran and reduced supplies to China


Registered Member
Russian pipeline will have capacity caped in Northern Kazakshstan. unless it is designed differently than it will have different transit revenues for Kazakhstan.

And what do you think the proposed additional construction is for as per the Russian deputy minister. Why are you ignoring everything that doesn’t fit your narrative?

why you think Turkmenistan will be better than the rest of examples i gave you. you are simply underestimating the impact of population growth and the extreme weather. and Arabs are sitting next door in Afghanistan. you never know what kind of wealth and soft power they are going to establish in next couple of years that Turkmenistan will not be able to refuse.

Why are they building a pipeline for the next several years if they won’t use it in 5 years? So either your grossly incompetent or the entire Turkmenistan government, bankers who are funding the project, and the energy professionals + advisors are incompetent beyond measure.


Registered Member
The cost of the USA’s tendencies to treat their forces like expendable cannon fodder. Not only does it kill the desire to go over seas to die for a group of uncaring elites that literally have no heart but it also causes those who have been discarded when they are no longer useful to have desires to commit murder. Now currently these elites have been shielded from the consequences of their own inhumanity but one day, they might end up eating a poison pill one of these days and should the nation fall apart given the nations current trajectory, these disappointed veterans might decide, since these worthless elites hold no meaning in a broken nation, might as well get rid of them and turn the place into fallout 3. If course this will make many nation around the world that despise the USA and its war list happy, I can’t imagine those idiots in Washington will be sharing the same joy
The actions of the US elite indicate a detachment from the US as a nation state, and in fact the anglo zionists ruling elites consider themselves globalists and do not hold any attachment to any nation, not even to Israel where they happily encourage their fellow jews to enlist and get maimed by arab resistance groups.
Apparently, these people are using Command & Conquer definitions of stealth, where the plane is supposed to go into 'stealth mode' and appear transparent to the good guys and invisible to baddies.


Registered Member
Idk man, I'm also reading now that the tesla bomb and ISIS attacker were from the same car renting service.

Who knew that tacitly allowing if not supporting ISIS to become more powerful and now in control of a whole actual state including airports and national level funding is going to backfire on "the infidel west" as ISIS themselves calls them?

Both rented from Turo, both vehicles stuffed with explosives, and both were also electric vehicles.

I wonder if we should expect more attacks.

Edit: the cyber truck explosion is 100% intentional. It was rigged to blow up.

Authorities believe fireworks, gas tanks and camping fuel were connected to a detonation system controlled by the driver

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