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Airbus should built moe factories in china....

Stupid Europoors missing out on quick moolah.

Euros are building their second line in China as we speak. Definitely not stoopid.

Ball is in COMAC's court. There is a real chance with or without EASA/FAA approval for expansion into Boeing's share if handled correctly. Just the number needed for China would impact Boeing's global share. Boeing own forecast for China is nearly 9000 aircraft in the next two decades (7000 narrowbodies like the C919 and 1500 widebodies like C929/939.)


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Euros are building their second line in China as we speak. Definitely not stoopid.

Ball is in COMAC's court. There is a real chance with or without EASA/FAA approval for expansion into Boeing's share if handled correctly. Just the number needed for China would impact Boeing's global share. Boeing own forecast for China is nearly 9000 aircraft in the next two decades (7000 narrowbodies like the C919 and 1500 widebodies like C929/939.)
It is stupid because it is only their second line *in the making*, we have 2025 soon, not 2005!

Airbus taking a big L here.

Everyone with half a brain an two ass cheeks will understand that europes own industry is incapable to serve the demand for airliners right now, and we will not get the capacity anytime soon with how things are going in europe.

So China it is.
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Star Wars The Clone Wars - Revenge of the H1B/Hindu

There is a group of American elite in tech -- influenced by Indian CEOs, I'm sure -- that think importing Indians would be their salvation especially in software. They forgot to look at the situation in the place with the most Indians.

Yeah, there are rumors that the murderous software change on the 737 Max was enbled when testing was outsourced to India.


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Current state of MAGA America

View attachment 142081

It's incredible to me that Indian immigrants have managed to make themselves so unpopular that even illegal immigrants from central America are preferred.
Here are some more stats on H1B. Its amazing how much nasty stuff comes out when under scrutiny. Feel free to share.

View attachment 142087

So in the top 10 companies using H1B only 2 are American firms?

And this is what Trump thinks will help US compete with China?


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The worst part of the Boeing scandal is that you can't really do much as an individual flyer. Some routes in Europe are only served by airlines using the 737. Taking the train or boat simply takes too long.

China really needs to help Comac ramp up production of the C-series. Give them even bigger subsidies. Airbus alone won't be able to replace Boeing. And Europe should give Comac all the certification it needs.