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No because Arunachal Pradesh is part of Tibet and China controls 90% of Tibet. The goal is 100% control of Tibet by both sides.

The current situation is 90% in favor of China. Another partial victory.
No, because India does not claim control over Tibet, only over Arunachal Pradesh. China that claims all of Tibet.

So India has 100% control over its claim in this region. This means India is winning by your logic.


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Taiwanese lawmakers brawl in parliament session​

Taiwan's "thriving democracy" in a nutshell.
The so-called "Blue faction" of the KMT and TPP command a parliamentary majority. They are able to pass laws without the DPP and wanted to pass a new law that would require ID verification to sponsor recall votes.

You can see how "Green/DPP" reframes the definition of democracy by suggesting that the DPP is protecting democracy by violating the parliamentary process and this is a new "social movement"
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Taiwan was pursuing 100% total conquest of mainland China until 1976. It was forced to give up this goal because it was laughably unrealistic based on its weakness.
I agree here. ROC lost. PRC won.

In fact Taiwan used the exact same cope as you proposed: when it was almost entirely defeated, and could not change its defeat, it changed its goals so that it would look like a stalemate under its new goals. But the very fact that it was forced to reduce the ambitions of their goals is proof that they lost. Otherwise why not push for 100% conquest?
Here there is already another conflict. Sovereignty of Taiwan and the Strait.

Is it a stalemate or a defeat for China?

If territory lost is more important, then it is a defeat for China.

Zelensky has achieved 0 of his goals.
Not at all. One of the objectives is to keep Ukraine independent against Russia and he is achieving this, keeping most of the Ukrainian territory. Therefore it is more than 0% achievement.

Ukraine is also keeping 40% of Donetsk, 35% of Zaporizhye, 18% of Kherson and 3% of Lugansk.

Here, in the battle for Donbass, Russia is actually winning!

But the war in Ukraine is more than the control of Donbass.

At the moment, both Russia and Ukraine are claiming partial victories.
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Junior Member
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Taiwan used the exact same cope

changed its goals so that it would look like a stalemate under its new goals.
So you are changing Russia's goals to cope a partial victory here.

Russia is acting like Taiwan.

@Bellum_Romanum, so if Ukraine continues to exist, Ukrainians can do the same as China and claim that Crimea and Donbass continue to be theirs but only administered by the Russians.
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I see someone else did a lot of the writing for me today... I'll just have to add on then.
Many countries in stalemate managed to conquer territories despite no conclusive victory.

Exemples: Taiwan, US invasion of Iraq, South Korea, Kosovo, hundreds of European wars.

Exchanging territories is normal in wars but is not a guarantee of victory. Having territory is a necessary condition, but not sufficient to guarantee a decisive victory.

Yes, you will be defeated if you cannot defeat your enemy.

If you declare a war on drugs or a war on terrorism and fail to exterminate drug traffickers and terrorists, even within your own territory or abroad, you lose the war. Implies continuing to suffer losses.

Just like Mexico, Brazil and the USA are losing the war on drugs.

But there is the possibility of stalemate, when neither side wins and they reach an agreement.

The Yakuza in Japan and the mafia in Italy are examples of stalemate in the war on drugs.

If Putin says that Ukraine is now a Nazi state and promises to de-zanify Ukraine, if he doesn't de-zanify Ukraine he will lose.

But it will be a stalemate if Putin manages to at least seize most of Ukraine and concessions from Zelensky. Both sides will concede and make a deal, so neither will be the ultimate winner.

As I said above, if both Zelesnsky and Putin are conceding their initial demands in the negotiations, neither is a winner. Stalemate.

Both can declare victory or defeat, but neither has achieved a universally recognized victory. So this is the typical inconclusive war.
It seems your thinking is very ridged. It's just the stated goals, exactly that, nothing more, total honesty (no hiding more sinister goals) and it's either total victory, total defeat, or stalemate. You think it's a loss to let a drug leader escape even if you annexed his country. If you consider that a defeat, you're debating in a different language than anyone else. We'd all like to take the land; after that, we've forgotten about the escaped drug lord/warlord, terrorist or whatever the hell was cus it doesn't matter anymore compared the magnanimity of territorial expansion!

You also don't understand that the splitting of an outcome is on a spectrum in terms of whom it favors, rather than a trinomial result. But actually, war is almost never black and white in terms of resolution. Victory is sold by the gram, not by half or one.
A stalemate is an inconclusive outcome in which both sides claim partial victory or nothing at all.

In the Chinese Civil War, the PRC's victory was nearly universally accepted.
This is funny, though. These 2 lines, one written above other contradict. In the Chinese Civil War, neither side got all of their objectives or we would not have a separately governed Taiwan today. Both Mao and Chiang wanted control of all Chinese territories; Mao to the lion's share and Chiang held onto a sliver. By your definition, that is partial on both sides and it would be a stalemate, but then you acknowledge that it was a PRC victory.
What you say has no evidence.
The evidence and logic is in the text you just read.
You are just underestimating your enemy. This is a gross error.
Europeans have shown nothing that deserves more credit. They dare do nothing unless led by others or the pack. You, one the other hand, make the gross error of underestimating Russia, a country that is historically known for war-time stamina. You think Russia's economy won't hold much longer or that he has a Trump timeline for negotiation but actually, the Russia economy is adapting and accelerating to a new norm and Russia's military is just getting warmed up. Trump may want this to end because he wants to focus on China, but Putin's having a great time so if you wanna cash him out early, you're gonna have to give him an incentive that's way better than just whatever chips he has in his hand at that time.
However, there is actually evidence in history that the Western mentality can overcome the Russian/Chinese mentality.
Let's see the examples. Keep in mind I said after they created the EU and NATO, they resigned themselves to pack rat mentality so ancient history isn't gonna do.
Who guarantees that a new revolution will not make Russia unstable again?
Or who guarantees that a new alliance of Western countries will not partition China again?
What? Are you just making random stuff up? Like "who guarantees that the poor won't eat the rich in the West by next year? Who guarantees aliens won't invade and unite the human race? Who guarantees that the earth won't explode tomorrow?" ...Like this?


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So you are changing Russia's goals to cope a partial victory here.

Russia is acting like Taiwan.

@Bellum_Romanum, so if Ukraine continues to exist, Ukrainians can do the same as China and claim that Crimea and Donbass continue to be theirs but only administered by the Russians.
Stalemate is based on power balance, not action.
Having power overmatch means you can achieve victory without fighting, being power overmatched means can become dead man walking.
Mainland China has power overmatch over Taiwan, Ukraine/NATO is power overmatched by Russia/China, and China has power overmatch against India.
Western culture never seem to be able to comprehend this basic Art of War concept, barbarian brains just never evolved that far.


Registered Member
This is what happens when you ban DJI in favor of Skydio warez

This incident I have no details about, as only see it here.

Then a quick search got some more details here.

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Apparently there is this American company that does drone shows, SKY ELEMENTS.

I looked into that in the past, and this American SKY ELEMENTS is using Chinese tech to do these drone shows.

These drones are made in China, but not sure who drones are they, forget if they bought from DJI or they made those drones themselves.

There is more to this story, we will find out the details, maybe.


Registered Member
So you are changing Russia's goals to cope a partial victory here.

Russia is acting like Taiwan.

@Bellum_Romanum, so if Ukraine continues to exist, Ukrainians can do the same as China and claim that Crimea and Donbass continue to be theirs but only administered by the Russians.
You can't be ACTUALLY SERIOUS about the comparison between Crimea and Taiwan now are you?


Registered Member
This incident I have no details about, as only see it here.

Then a quick search got some more details here.

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Apparently there is this American company that does drone shows, SKY ELEMENTS.

I looked into that in the past, and this American SKY ELEMENTS is using Chinese tech to do these drone shows.

These drones are made in China, but not sure who drones are they, forget if they bought from DJI or they made those drones themselves.

There is more to this story, we will find out the details, maybe.
Could be a false flag to ban DJI

First the airport shutdowns, now kids getting killed during xmas...

Seems like its prelude to full drone ban


Registered Member
Could be a false flag to ban DJI

First the airport shutdowns, now kids getting killed during xmas...

Seems like its prelude to full drone ban

Not sure if it will be like that.

The fact to me seems like there is only one American company doing drone shows, Sky Elements, and they rely on Chinese tech to do these shows. The Chinese tech in question seem to be both hardware and software.

Ban this Chinese tech, and Sky Elements will not be doing drone shows anymore, America will not have any drone shows.

Then the only country doing drone shows will be China.


That is why I do not believe they will stop these drone shows from Sky Elements. This is a display of American power in technology! Sky Elements is an American company.
