Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
What the hell? Was the victim on drugs? How to you just stand there and burn? When people get set on fire, they go crazy until they either put it out or they take so much damage they collapse and lose consciousness.

At 37 seconds, the guy trying to fan it out was later identified as the killer!
There are so many things wrong in that video, lady wasn't screaming, nobody was helping, multiple people were just recording on their phone while the arsonist fanned the flames, then got told off by the police decided to sit on the bench to watch the lady burn to death. A pretty good representation of the social decay in the US.




Lieutenant General
What is it that one dies from in self-immolation? Suffocation. The body inhales the flames burning the oxygen out of the lungs. No air means you can’t speak. Body probably going into shock. Have you seen videos of terrorists lighting people on fire in an execution? They just sit there and they seem to peacefully bend forward and then bend backwards like they’re doing yoga. Supposedly it’s not voluntary but the body’s reaction to being on fire.


Registered Member
nobody was helping, multiple people were just recording on their phone while the arsonist fanned the flames, then got told off by the police decided to sit on the bench to watch the lady burn to death. A pretty good representation of the social decay in the

They attempted to jail the last guy who helped someone on the subway. There is literally zero incentives for anyone to help.


Registered Member
There are so many things wrong in that video, lady wasn't screaming, nobody was helping, multiple people were just recording on their phone while the arsonist fanned the flames, then got told off by the police decided to sit on the bench to watch the lady burn to death. A pretty good representation of the social decay in the US.
In Murcia land you never know when someone is carrying a gun. Why go and attempt to help when you know that the anyone could pull a gun out of the blue.

Better to mind your business and get enough money to immigrate instead


Registered Member
One of the comments on that tweet led me to this hilarious article.

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Opinion |

Why Are There Millions of 'Jews' on Indian Matchmaking Websites?​

Jews represent less than 0.0004 percent of India's population. So how can its dating sites claim to have millions of Jewish profiles? What does it mean to call yourself 'Jewish' in India today – or to call yourself 'Hitler'?

Turns out the memes are true.
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Registered Member

Too many Asian states have allowed white male sexpats and white females to lord over them. Too many Asian societies have allowed white tourists to believe they are gods in easy Asia. This must be remedied.

One of the comments on that tweet led me to this hilarious article.

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Opinion |

Why Are There Millions of 'Jews' on Indian Matchmaking Websites?​

Jews represent less than 0.0004 percent of India's population. So how can its dating sites claim to have millions of Jewish profiles? What does it mean to call yourself 'Jewish' in India today – or to call yourself 'Hitler'?

Turns out the memes are true.
If it helps, i find that my Twitter timeline is now inundated by indian wordcels who have nothing of interest to talk about.