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In the 1950s South Korea also did not export high tech technology. But after the Korean war ended in a stalemate, SK became one of the most productive countries in the world, we have to admit.

Ukraine, led now by Poles and Jews friendly to the West, is obviously counting on this scenario.

You need to look at the big picture and not focus on just a few short frames.
So, Poles who couldn't turn Poland into a South Korea and Jews who've struggled their entire existence to form a stable country .. they are going to turn a war-torn Ukraine into the most productive country in the world? Have you stolen pmc's crackpipe by any chance?


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1. Going by total that is a large net Russian gain.
2. Going month-to-month, that is large NYC sized Russian gain in the last month.

You're such a loser you're defending the performance of a country that lost 18% of its territory since 2022 and a chunk the size of NYC last month. Your standard for winning is so low, you're calling it the "greatest dominance in centuries" just to still own most of your own land. LOL What do you call those countries that haven't lost land at all? The greaterest dominance in milleniums? How about those that made gains in territory? The most greaterest dominance since the beginning of time? LOL Cus that's Russia!

They were not going to be able to break away themselves; they would have been eaten up by other parts of Ukraine to be anti-Russia if Russia had not stepped in. And they are the controllable parts of Ukraine by Russia. Taking other parts that are heavily anti-Russia would result in heavy terrorism... unless Russia ground them down with battlefield meat grinders first as it's doing now.

It doesn't matter whether you frame this sentence from the beginning of the invasion or since last month. By the first term Russia has gained 18% of Ukraine; by the second term, Russia has gained the size of NYC. You cannot win this argument either way.

You start from Soviet times? LOL OK I'll start earlier from 862 the founding of Russia then. From then, Russia has gained more land than any other country on earth.

Oh so I'm small, weak and wrong, and so is SDF, probably all forums in the world, but you're the only one who's not, right? LOL Typical sore loser tantrum. Flip the chess board and call the rules stupid when you lose. You want to be the judge of your own fight but sadly, little boy, you cannot. Nobody can judge their own contests or there would be no losers in the world.

By the way, gosh the people here really think you're stupid. I login here and my notifications are absolutely flooded with upvotes on my posts against you. I mean seriously, I follow almost 100 active threads and the majority of notifications aren't new posts but upvotes. I mean real upvotes, not laugh emojis like you're getting. I've been here for over 10 years and this only happens when I am destroying a stubborn idiot.

So basically, you have no definition of what it means to be low cultured other than that it means to insult you? What about when you insult people behind their back like Putin? Or you mean it's low cultured to insult you when you are here but highly cultured to insult people behind their back so they cannot respond?

A PhD in STEM with logic as poor as you? It's very hard to believe.

But you're the one who brought up education, aren't you?

1. So I have bad manners because I defend someone.
2. You have good manners because you insult someone behind his back but immediately cry about personal insults when I give some back to you.
3. All the links I posted, you do not understand are evidence? Didn't you claim to be a PhD? We are experts at evidence when you can't recognize it even when slapped with it?
4. I analyze the overall gains and losses on the battlefield while you angrily vent that a certain few corrupt Ukrainians who are happy to get huge numbers of Ukrainian soldiers killed are getting rich and living well and that means I'm emotional and you're calm?
5. Do you not realize that having those corrupt leaders throw more anti-Russian Ukrainian soldiers and fighting-aged males to be killed in Russia's grinder is exactly what Russia wants to make Ukraine more easily rulable? Why would they want to assassinate these people and stop that?

Oh How wrong you are again. Don't you understand the main difference between China and Muslims or India? We all have masses of people going to the West. But only China can depend on our sea turtles returning at the right time to bolster our nation with their knowledge. Are you equally as unfamiliar with China's history as you are with battlefield analysis? Because it was the CCP's government initiative to send scholars out to the West, particularly the US, under the strategy that if even a small amount come back with their new knowledge, that they will bring rapid ascension to China. A Chinese scholar going to the US 20+ years ago is considered following the directive, don't you know?

What have you done for your country? What is your country? Mine is clear by both the picture and the screenname but you seem to cowardly hide behind calling yourself a vagina and saying you're from the "world."

Russia needs to do better.

Even comparing the performance of Russia fighting a Ukraine backed by all of NATO against Israel fighting a couple of stateless Muslim factions WITH the backing of NATO is stupid to begin with.

Continuing to take Ukrainian territory and killing Ukrainian men in meat grinders. They took a chunk the size of NYC last month; have you heard?

With up to 18 hours of blackouts per day (going up to 20+ if Russia keeps hitting energy generators) and tight energy rations. Were you, a
"PhD," able to get that from the evidence I posted? I quoted it for you right up front in case you where like a demo-pack level PhD or something just getting the hang of it but here you are making the same broken claims again...

That's not up to Russia; it does not have the power to completely dominate the collective West, which is no shame at all.

That's possibly a higher level of stupid for even you. Even Poland itself is not a South Korea. Turn Ukraine into one?? Why don't you just say they promised to turn Ukraine into a white Nazi Wakanda?

Says the person who brushes off the loss of 18% of Ukraine to Russia and gets instead emotional that Ukraine's corrupt leaders are rich LOL
Just more passionate and irrational defenses of Russia's poor performance in a war against a neighboring, miserable country that should never have existed in the first place.

What shortsightedness and inability to analyze the obvious scenario.

Do you just praise incompetence, weakness and stupidity in a bubble like a "PhD"? More identification? That's why you're called bootlickers here.

With people like you it is impossible for any country to move forward.

Kowtowing even for weak and incompetent leaders, yes-man incapable of making any criticism or formulating precise calculations of reality for the leader.

You will always be in the losers' club, only complaining about those who report your mistakes.
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Jeez the Germans deserve this dark age thats coming for them if they walk the path of the Milei and Musk..
Sadly the Netherlands will catch economic stray bullets given our status as unofficial harbor province of Germany, like my dad likes to say.
Good riddance to these China -hating eurotrash like germany,nederlands and uk -they still think it's 1900 -Boxer rebellion time and get some free loot from China-NOT today and nevermore euro assholes.die in your own poverty,stupidity laziness and addictions!!!!!


Junior Member
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So, Poles who couldn't turn Poland into a South Korea and Jews who've struggled their entire existence to form a stable country .. they are going to turn a war-torn Ukraine into the most productive country in the world? Have you stolen pmc's crackpipe by any chance?

Poland only became an independent country again in the last 34 years and even so it is already a much richer country than Russia. This is no demerit, let's be realistic and less ideologues.

Israel, even rejected by most countries and peoples in the world, managed to protect itself militarily more than Russia. There is a lot of merit in knowing how to play on the board and neutralize all threats.

Israel has even had Russia in its hands since the USSR, Putin has never done anything against Israel's interests in the region. That's quite a feat. Israel has Washington and Moscow in its hands.

Having the ability to have strong and proactive allies is also a merit.


Just more passionate and irrational defenses of Russia's poor performance in a war
You cannot debate me with point-to-point. You have lose every point I raised but just repeat your conclusion on broken legs.
against a neighboring, miserable country that should never have existed in the first place.
Miserable country? LOL Sounds like irrational emotion to me...
What shortsightedness and inability to analyze the obvious scenario.
That's your one line answer to my rebutting every point you ever brought up? Where's your point-to-point against my "long text?" It got reduced to this little empty drivel? Pathetic, but expected.
Do you just praise incompetence, weakness and stupidity in a bubble like a "PhD"?
No, that's why I don't praise you.
More identification?
What does that even mean?
That's why you're called bootlickers here.
LOL This is more of your imagination like last time you imagined people agree with you when you're actually alone? I have never been called a bootlicker here but I've heard plenty of people call you plenty of things. I mean... even you named yourself a vagina LOL
With people like you it is impossible for any country to move forward.
I asked you what you've ever accomplished that you think you can criticize Putin. I have heard not a single thing from you. Do you control an army? Does anyone listen to you? If not, then what have you moved forward? You do nothing but backseat driver bitching and moaning with no ability of your own.
Kowtowing even for weak and incompetent leaders, yes-man incapable of making any criticism or formulating precise calculations of reality for the leader.
Whose leader? I'm not Russian. I have no reason to kowtow to any Russian leader. But in the US, there is plenty of propaganda for me to kowtow to American leaders, which I will never do. When it comes to Russia, I tell it like it is and you can rebut none of it. I praise Russia, China's greatest ally, for standing up to all of NATO by itself, winning territory, killing its enemies, and kneecapping the EU economy. You have nothing at all to say about this except garbage everyone laughs at.
You will always be in the losers' club,
I'm in the China-Russia club. What club are you in? You can't even get into one cus you're hated and kicked around in all the forums around the world LOL
only complaining about those who report your mistakes.
I thought you wanted a debate. Why are you always bellyaching about people picking your points apart? Why are you so sensitive about being eating some rough words when you insult someone who is not here? You are just a soft little boy who is scared of opposition and frustrated that everyone thinks your ideas are stupid. Oh how sadly you yearn for some acceptance and how you lash out when you are denied LOL
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You cannot debate me with point-to-point. You have lose every point I raised but just repeat your conclusion on broken legs.

Miserable country? LOL Sounds like irrational emotion to me...

That's your one line answer to my rebutting every point you ever brought up? Where's your point-to-point against my "long text?" It got reduced to this little empty drivel? Pathetic, but expected.

No, that's why I don't praise you.

What does that even mean?

LOL This is more of your imagination like last time you imagined people agree with you when you're actually alone? I have never been called a bootlicker here but I've heard plenty of people call you plenty of things.

I asked you what you've ever accomplished that you think you can criticize Putin. I have heard not a single thing from you. Do you control an army? Does anyone listen to you? If not, then what have you moved forward? You do nothing but backseat driver bitching and moaning with no ability of your own.

Whose leader? I'm not Russian. I have no reason to kowtow to any Russian leader. But in the US, I have there is plenty of propaganda for me to kowtow to American leaders, which I will never do. When it comes to Russia, I tell it like it is and you can rebut none of it. I praise Russia, China's greatest ally, for standing up to all of NATO by itself, winning territory, killing its enemies, and kneecapping the EU economy. You have nothing at all to say about this except garbage everyone laughs at.

I'm in the China-Russia club. What club are you in? You can't even get into one cus you're hated and kicked around in all the forums around the world LOL

I thought you wanted a debate. Why are you always bellyaching about people picking your points apart? Why are you so sensitive about being eating some rough words when you insult someone who is not here? You are just a soft little boy who is scared of opposition and frustrated that everyone thinks your ideas are stupid. Oh how sadly you yearn for some acceptance LOL
Point by point you just complain like a whiner and praise ridiculous movements from a country that no one relevant respects anymore.

Again, you are in the losers club. You lives in the USA but writes in a forum of predominantly opposite thought, out of cowardice and uselessness. If you were useful to China or Russia you wouldn't be parasitizing their biggest enemy; you would be contributing to their growth, not kowtowing to Americans and their authorities in real life.

In fact, my points are now becoming standards in forums in American and European countries. There is a good new approach in the West, a return to realism. This would work here too, to help with the competition that moves the world towards evolution. But time will tell who is right.
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Point by point you just complain like a whiner and praise ridiculous movements from a country that no one relevant respects anymore.
None of which you can rebut. If you had any STEM PhD, you should naturally use point-to-point because it is the only form of correspondence accepted when defending yourself against those who challenge your work. We use it because no point can be lost, nothing can escape. Every last point must be rebutted back and forth until one side concedes to logic and evidence. You cannot use it because your points are stupid and you cannot defend them against logic or evidence so you need the conversation to drift off after 1 round so you crawl away into random general statements.
Again, you are in the losers club.
Believe it or not, saying the same thing again doesn't mean anything more the second time around LOL Here, I'll say it again too:

"I'm in the China-Russia club. What club are you in? You can't even get into one cus you're hated and kicked around in all the forums around the world LOL"
You lives in the USA but writes in a forum of predominantly opposite thought, out of cowardice and uselessness.
Is that not a perfect example of being out of the bubble? Not kowtowing to the establishment? Or you think the bubble is just whomever disagrees with you? LOL It is cowardly to be opposite the thought of the establishment? Are you confused again?
If you were useful to China or Russia you wouldn't be parasitizing their biggest enemy,
Parasitizing... their enemy.... Do you know what the words mean when you use them? When you parasitize an entity, you harm it from within, and that is actually helpful to its enemy. Why are you so directionally confused all the time?
you would be contributing to their growth, not kowtowing to Americans and their authorities in real life
1. Oh so now I'm not parasitizing it anymore? I'm contributing to its growth? LOL Or is it that you don't really even know what "parasitizing" means?
2. Personal spending is worth nothing to the growth of a nation compared to the potential of learning STEM and developing technologies. You care about this small spending because that's all you could possibly contribute, by eating and shitting. Brilliant scientists/mental giants can live in an enemy nation for decades, "contributing" to its GDP, publications, even science, but when they return home with their magnum opus, they shake the world with that contribution. Eh... it's too complicated for your little mind, forever struggling to just get an insult on me LOL
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Registered Member
Point by point you just complain like a whiner and praise ridiculous movements from a country that no one relevant respects anymore.

Again, you are in the losers club. You lives in the USA but writes in a forum of predominantly opposite thought, out of cowardice and uselessness. If you were useful to China or Russia you wouldn't be parasitizing their biggest enemy, you would be contributing to their growth, not kowtowing to Americans and their authorities in real life
Who are the relevant countries you speak of? The U.S. obviously still have a great deal of respect and trepidation to Russia because of its nuclear heft; not to mention the vast resources it has that are still going to remain relevant, viable in today's world contrary to what's being postulated on all western sourced media.

Even the European countries that are understably angry with Russia's invasion of Ukraine deep inside know that Russia is not a country that can easily be trifled with regardless of the word vomit they spew on the daily as their way of reassurance and assuage their already fractious population. So much so that Russia is being used as the ultimate bogeyman at every electoral gain the Rigth-leaning factions win from Romania, Georgia, France, Germany etc ... Do these examples showcase that your rhetorical attack is exactly just that, a rhetoric devoid of actual relationship to the facts on the ground.

Additionally, if there are no relevant countries "respect" Russia that would mean that none of these EU countries would be forced to choose between guns and more guns a.k.a. asking for 3% to their respective defense budget, which is quite astounding since most of the chihuahua members of U.S. led NATO could barely managed to reach the mandated 2% budget!!

I am however inclined to agree with you that Russia's performance on its war against Ukraine has left much to be desired, and to a certain extent their military prestige has been diminished especially within the aforementioned group of countries that dreaded the Russian military juggernaut. The Russians took unnecessary casualties; logistics handling was abysmal, made assumptive conclusions based on a faulty and romanticized view of their so-called brother Ukrainians that ended up smacking in their proverbial butts when they got mauled bigtime.

Having said that, Ukraine will end up the sore loser on this conflict period, no question. It's industrial capacity razed to the ground. It's human and intellectual capacity siphoned by its so-called "ALLIES" for better pay and improved social security compared to what they had in Ukraine. Pre-invasion Ukraine was already known as the most corrupt country in Europe imagine the delapitated state of a post-conflict Ukraine when REAL GOVERNANCE is going to be required and people will now become more acute and hypervigilance to their day to day needs. Are we going to now contend that this new Ukraine with a diminished infrastructure, tax base, income and all the things I mentioned could somehow be able to deliver and function more efficiently and effectively with little or no corruption? Let's be honest with ourselves. That shit will not happen anytime soon.

I am also very dubious that all the rah-rah from Western public that populates the popular discord will eventually wane and sour because of the economic struggles and pain that'll afflict their countries. It's easy to cheer for a far away conflict when it's portrayed as a battled between good vs evil; democracy vs autocracy, and the most unhinged description was the infantile comparison of Putin to Hitler, hence the automatic response mechanism from many people in the west.

If you and people like you are more than happy to double your tax and also literally put your money and lives where your high minded mouth is then sure I respect your prerogative and stances, because you have a principled stance on this important matter. But, if all you can or is prepared to sacrifice is to score some gotcha debate with some of the members here (for living, working, paying taxes to the countries it oppose on principles) then who the bleep are you to lay moral superiority when you're exactly doing the same thing are we not?