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BJP collapse?
You know things are going bad in India when Firstpost starts showing non-sinophobic content. After I came across this article yesterday, I was going holy ****, India's media not slandering China, what day is this?

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India-China: Tactical détente, strategic differences​



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That's interesting. Do you have a link?

@Bellum_Romanum, are you familiar?

when you actually read this thing correctly. Saudis were keen that US recognize the Kingdom and US pledge but US waited untill 1931 to recognize the kingdom. so who were giving them intelligence about US. only those who already have interest in the region. and every thing happened after that point toward that bargain. if there was No Soviet Union and this communism. (they didnot use Soviet name) its likely this Arab/US alliance would have turn there guns on Iran/Turkey. Europe was flat broke after war to have any worth.

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The Historic Meeting between Saudi King Abdulaziz, US President Roosevelt​

On Its 77th Anniversary, Asharq Al-Awsat Recalls the Historic Meeting between the Two Leaders​

Before that famous encounter, King Abdulaziz had recovered in April 1913 Al-Ahsa from the Ottomans in a preemptive step to block any British-Ottoman agreement to share influence in the Arabian Peninsula. The Anglo-Ottoman agreement was signed in late July 1913, according to which the Ottoman Empire ceded the coast of the Persian Gulf to Britain.
King Abdulaziz had imposed himself on the regional map and put the forces competing for influence before a fait accompli. He was keen on his country’s sovereignty, which made him constantly express friendship and try to avoid confrontation despite his distaste for British policies.

He was also watching - before the outbreak of World War II - American commercial interest in the region, even though the United States did not have the actual political means and saw the Middle East as a British area of influence primarily. Yet, he kept his political options open.

While King Abdulaziz was laying the foundations of his foreign policy, he expressed his keenness to diversify his relations with various countries in a way that enhances Saudi interests. After entering the Hijaz in 1924, influential states began to recognize the nascent kingdom, starting with Russia in 1926 and followed by European countries.

King Abdulaziz asked Roosevelt for friendship and support, and noted that his country was not under occupation or mandate and that he wanted to remain independent

After that, the president gave his pledge to King Abdulaziz - which he confirmed in a letter he sent on April 5, 1945, one week before his death - that he would not engage in any hostile acts against the Arabs, and that his government would not change its policy towards Palestine without prior consultations with the Arabs and Jews. For the King, the verbal assurances were then an agreement, and did not expect the sudden death of Roosevelt.


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You know things are going bad in India when Firstpost starts showing non-sinophobic content. After I came across this article yesterday, I was going holy ****, India's media not slandering China, what day is this?

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India-China: Tactical détente, strategic differences​

Go tell that to Palki Sharma? Who constantly bemoan everything China. There's a recent report from you know who and where that discussed CHINA STEALING WESTERN WORKERS (Chinese folks) to work for companies like HUAWEI among others.

The irony of that reporting isn't lost on that lady's brain considering that every American companies C.E.O. that happened to come from India is celebrated as some kind of showcase to Indian super duper genius talents without admitting the cold hard truth that those people's success isn't India's success. If we apply the same logic she used then that would mean: the U.S. has been STEALING WORKERS from all over the world, especially from India right.


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Two South Asian Neighbors, Once Friendly, Are Now at Bitter Odds​

India and Bangladesh have traded angry accusations about Bangladesh’s Hindu minority.
Months of simmering tension between India and Bangladesh erupted into the open this week, as the once-friendly neighbors exchanged angry accusations after the arrest of a Hindu priest in Bangladesh on charges of sedition.
In August, Sheikh Hasina, an ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India,
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. She fled to India, and her continued presence there has strained relations between the interim government in Bangladesh and Mr. Modi’s government in New Delhi.
The caretaker administration in Bangladesh, led by the 84-year-old Nobel Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, has expressed concern that Ms. Hasina is plotting a return to power from India. The interim Bangladeshi leaders have also accused India of exaggerating attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh to score political points at home.
The latest flashpoint was the arrest of Chinmoy Krishna Das, a Hindu monk in Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country where Hindus make up less than 10 percent of a population of 170 million.
In the past, Mr. Das was associated with an influential global Hindu organization, the
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, also known as ISKCON or the Hare Krishna Society.
A court in the Bangladeshi city of Chattogram sent him to pretrial detention under a colonial-era sedition law. His arrest came after a local politician complained that Mr. Das had disrespected the Bangladeshi flag by raising it lower than a saffron-color flag — a symbol of Hinduism — at a rally calling for an end to persecution of Hindus.
The events took a deadly turn when the monk’s supporters surrounded the court. As the security forces struggled to control the situation, a Muslim lawyer was hacked to death, police officials said. The killing was followed by reports of attacks and intimidation in Hindu neighborhoods.

It remains unclear who killed the lawyer. The police have arrested more than 20 people over the violence. The city’s lawyers have gone on strike to protest the killing.

Normally killings in these countries wouldn't be news worthy, but NYTimes reporting about it does make it interesting. Maybe India should have just stuck to aligning with one country all the way? Jai Hinds are turning on America now, not sure why since US interference in foreign countries is basically their MO.

I think Jai Hinds being loincloth imperialists, are emotionally hurt by US involvements in nearby countries. Look at China, the US interferes all the time in neighbouring countries e.g., Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar but the Chinese are still cool as a cucumber. This is one of the benefits of China's non-interference principle.
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Two South Asian Neighbors, Once Friendly, Are Now at Bitter Odds​

India and Bangladesh have traded angry accusations about Bangladesh’s Hindu minority.

Normally killings in these countries wouldn't be news worthy, but NYTimes reporting about it does make it interesting. Maybe India should have just stuck to aligning with one country all the way? Jai Hinds are turning on America now, not sure why since US interference in foreign countries is basically their MO.

I think Jai Hinds being loincloth imperialists, are emotionally hurt by US involvements in nearby countries. Look at China, the US interferes all the time in neighbouring countries e.g., Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar but the Chinese are still cool as a cucumber. This is one of the benefits of China's non-interference principle.
India the whiniest pretend supapowah.


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Two South Asian Neighbors, Once Friendly, Are Now at Bitter Odds​

India and Bangladesh have traded angry accusations about Bangladesh’s Hindu minority.

Normally killings in these countries wouldn't be news worthy, but NYTimes reporting about it does make it interesting. Maybe India should have just stuck to aligning with one country all the way? Jai Hinds are turning on America now, not sure why since US interference in foreign countries is basically their MO.

I think Jai Hinds being loincloth imperialists, are emotionally hurt by US involvements in nearby countries. Look at China, the US interferes all the time in neighbouring countries e.g., Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar but the Chinese are still cool as a cucumber. This is one of the benefits of China's non-interference principle.
Looks like a colour revolution was actually based for once.

Pakistan & Bangladesh should provide phul support to freedom fighter groups like Lashkar e Taiba in their heroic resistance against the genocidal BJP regime.