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Junior Member
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Almost every big Japanese war crime anniversary, someone affiliated with Japan gets attacked in China. The plot is getting old, Japanese intelligence agencies needs to come up with a new plot. Paying some Chinese person to stab someone isn't going to move Japanese companies back to Japan or out of China.

Frankly speaking who cares, Chinese people get attacked or murdered in Japan all the time. You don't see it making big news in China or Japan. Don't spread lame Japanese propaganda on this forum please.
Sad that a little Japanese kid got killed but do you all remember about 20 years ago(?)a group of Japanese businessmen from big conglomerates staged an orgy with a large group of Chinese prostitutes on 9/18 ?As long as there is NO Japanese Concession anywhere in China just a private Japanese school-I'm okay-but a sexual orgy to sully Chinese wartime memories not okay - IIRC they were expelled but I would've castrated them for free-black hearts don't change.


Junior Member
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Sad that a little Japanese kid got killed but do you all remember about 20 years ago(?)a group of Japanese businessmen from big conglomerates staged an orgy with a large group of Chinese prostitutes on 9/18 ?As long as there is NO Japanese Concession anywhere in China just a private Japanese school-I'm okay-but a sexual orgy to sully Chinese wartime memories not okay - IIRC they were expelled but I would've castrated them for free-black hearts don't change.
Same energy as an Argentinian going to UK and hiring a bunch of white prostitutes so he can cope over the war lmfao and then also getting caught for it

Meanwhile on a daily basis Chinese go to Japan to enjoy the depreciated yen costs in everything, which is btw legally offered by Japan of their own volition...


Senior Member
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Seems like they just ignore it and keep orders open. It doesn't have legal value outside USA, and even in USA, you can order shipping from China.

Uncountable, to the point it's probably 90%+ of the market.

The ironic thing is it's far more secure to have a Chinese device even as China's enemies, because China isn't on a losing end and as such wouldn't want to burn bridges by blowing up their own reputation, even in a war.
Actually they followed US court demands and stopped selling the two way radio globally. They then retracted their lawsuit against Motorola in china to satisfy the US demand.

They were literally being held hostage. Thus I am wondering how the US has so much power over them to demand stop of global sales.


Junior Member
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I don't think the image matches the aim of the meme. The guy with the sword is the god emperor of Man from 40k who is solely holding back the 4 gods of Chaos (depicted in the back) from destroying the galaxy.

A more fitting meme would be China as the God Emperor and the four beings in the back as AUKUS or the QUAD.
India is the Horned Rat of Warhammer Fantasy.

"In this case the Horned Rat is an embodiment of decay, ruin, pestilence, strife, hunger, ambition and all the other ignoble characteristics that represent the sum total of all the Skaven race is and all the ratmen hope to be."

"Undying and eternally scheming, this cunning deity patiently awaits the day of the 'Great Ascendancy,' when his children will swarm across the face of the mortal world, devouring it from within and granting him the power to become the greatest of all the gods."
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