Miscellaneous News


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Steak looks like more than half of it was cut off or torn from the angle hidden from the camera. Steak juice everywhere around the steak in a jagged pattern that suggests shifting instead of just liquid expanding from the center indicates the steak had been moved around and messed with. That the 2 scoops of mash are stacked vertically indicates tha plate likely had no extra space or they'd be next to each other to reduce empty space. Vegetable portion looks very small when restuarants usually increase that as a cheap way to make the overall food quantity look larger.

I'd say it's fake.
Reminds of that post of Patchwork identify a journalist's age, ethnicity, hobby in 1military article. It was work of art. Too bad deleted when he left.


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Deluded sleepy bot believes that most Americans are law abiding citizens and all purchase auto insurance. It probably also believes that Americans always truthfully report information about their vehicles to their insurance companies and don't modify their cars in a non-legal manner.

Sleepybot34 literally thinks the New York State, as the world’s epicenter of bond trading can dictate which cars Americans can drive. That's more retarded than thinking the ATF can control which guns Americans can own or the DEA can control which drugs Americans can use. Sleepybot needs an upgrade.

FYI this is New York City two weeks ago.

My colleague has literally been the victim of two hit and run cases where the perpetrator, when finally identified and caught, had either no or expired licenses.


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We should accept that currently China has no allies or even friends. Most only try to balance between the west and China. Some only lean towards China because the situation force so. Just look at BRICS itself. You think India, Brazil or even Russia is China's friend? China's political system is just too different from the rest of the world. They are scared by what is different from them.


Lieutenant General
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The Jews upset that China let Kanye West perform in the country. He was just in Japan and South Korea doing the same thing yet no problem to complain about. If China let Kanye perform because as this guy says the economy is cratering then how come not Maroon 5 and others were not allowed to perform in China as he said? Yes China is suppose to be sympathetic to Jewish sensitivities yet they side with anti-Chinese racist white supremacist Republicans. Do you see Jews telling Republicans not to do that? Nope.

Kanye cursed Adidas while performing for some reason. Will we be seeing Yeezys by Anta soon...?


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The Jews upset that China let Kanye West perform in the country. He was just in Japan and South Korea doing the same thing yet no problem to complain about. If China let Kanye perform because as this guy says the economy is cratering then how come not Maroon 5 and others were not allowed to perform in China as he said? Yes China is suppose to be sympathetic to Jewish sensitivities yet they side with anti-Chinese racist white supremacist Republicans. Do you see Jews telling Republicans not to do that? Nope.

Kanye cursed Adidas while performing for some reason. Will we be seeing Yeezys by Anta soon...?

It's because the aforementioned parties, excluding China, have all, ahem, pledged allegiance already. If the Chinese leadership have collectively pulled a Jack Ma at some point then they get a free pass too.


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And yet China making legacy chips has the West peeing in their skirts...

Not surprising considering the fact that the Pentagon is a bigger consumer of Chinese chips and electronics than the Russian military.

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First, over 40 percent of the semiconductors that sustain DoD weapons systems and associated infrastructure are now sourced from China. Second, from 2005 to 2020, the number of Chinese suppliers in the U.S. defense-industrial supply chain has quadrupled. And third, between 2014 and 2022, American dependence on Chinese electronics increased by 600 percent.

Is this the true state of the much superior Western electronics we’ve seen touted on Reddit?


Junior Member
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We should accept that currently China has no allies or even friends. Most only try to balance between the west and China. Some only lean towards China because the situation force so. Just look at BRICS itself. You think India, Brazil or even Russia is China's friend? China's political system is just too different from the rest of the world. They are scared by what is different from them.
Allies usually implies sort of equal standing. Otherwise its more of being a vassal to another.

Thats why I don't believe America really has allies either. More like vassals or biatches. If America gets its ass kicked hard in a situation, will those allies still fight on or will they run away? Thats how to see how much of it is a real alliance.

Like what?

Think Kargil, hosting NATO, IMF debt traps, and splitting from Bangladesh.
The military is somewhat pragmatic but not totally. First round of US sanctions on paid-for military equipment should've been a clear warning not to trust USA for weapons. Yet they proceeded with more American weapons and now worry of US involvement with India.

Afghans defied the global superpower, not Pakistan. Pakistan hosted and supplied NATO for war. NATO invaded Afghanistan directly from Pakistani soil << never forget this. A war in which Pakistan lost tens of thousands of civilians and soldiers, many of them to NATO raids, destabilizing the whole region, for a paltry price of $3 billion / year that US gave as "aid". Not exactly pragmatic or strategic.

How many elites run to China when they are in trouble? None. +90% run to UK and US (often to regroup and return with new instructions). Same with the middle class. Even if not in trouble, the general population is heavily inclined towards the farangi and very little towards China, despite knowing full well how abusive the West has been and how helpful China has been.
Lets be honest, China only supports Pakistan to oppose India. It really sucks you can't choose better guys for it, but sometimes you have to pick low performers and hope they at least do whats needed when the time is right.


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Dumb Trump thinks foreign companies pay the tariff. If a foreign company has to pay a 100% tariff for everything they sell in the US, that means the company makes no profit. If they're making no profit, why are they bothering to sell anything in the US? The foreign company is just paying the US for the honor of just "selling" to an American. Of course white supremacists thinks how that works.