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Here's an interesting video from the beginning of the year. They talk about Peter Zeihan and they say he's getting all his information about China from Michael Pettis' models which they point to how he's already been proven wrong in some of his predictions. Michael Pettis is one of those who believed China was going to collapse because if the 2008 Western financial crisis hurt the West, China was going to follow but never did.
The Western elites are not in a good mood now. Their imperial system of exploitation is finally unravelling after over 200 years of near continuous success. They have triumph over many so challenges such as the rise of socialism, the world wars, post-colonialism, the USSR, pan-Arabism, pan-Africanism, the rise of modern Japan, etc. China was supposed to be one of those challengers that should have faded by now. The Chinese are not nearly as respected as the Russians or the Japanese. They were supposed to be below the Anglo-speaking Indians and sub-Saharan Africans. China's rise was just not supposed to happen. The Western elites are desperate to wish China's rise away. Peter Zeihan and his ilk are those kinds of people who make a living saying things that the Western elites wanna hear. Good, let them delude themselves that China is gonna crumble on every tomorrow. It gives China more breathing room to rise.

Before seeing this video I saw a lot of videos older than this one all saying China is in Mexico in order to get into the US. "It's all about me!" Indirectly yes. But Western markets are souring on China. Strategically it's to China's best interests to grow other markets. They wouldn't be in Africa if that was the case.

The more economic players in the world, the less significant the West becomes. The irony is Mexico becoming of economic significance domestically is against the US's best interests ego-wise. Just imagine Mexico full of people driving Chinese EVs while the US is is still drive ICE vehicles. How about Chinese HSR in Mexico.
This is a positive development for Mexico. However, I do have some fears for Mexico, being right next to the beast, and having negligible military power because of its history as a colony of the US. If the Americans gets too spooked about China's influence in Mexico, I think they might just use covert and overt force to retake control of Mexico. The Republicans have been clamouring for an invasion of Mexico ostensibly to fight against the drug lords, but I think its more for actually reestablishing their colonial authority over Mexico.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
haha thats for you people who thought that China is stupid. if randoms in the internet know what will happen to Chinese investment in India, why would you think the elite upper elechon leadership won't also know..

Indians and Snakes take what they deserve
Bravo China!:case in point about lying,despicable cheap-ass-to-their own -detriment Indians-they hired a Korean archery coach to train teach them in the Korean world leading archery methods to the Indian team-okay done BUT apparently 1 week or so before Paris olympics the indo-idiots fired the Korean coach and tried to hog all the glory themselves-0 medals.Korean coach laughing.BTW I got the jibe at "no monitor lizard is <sexually>safe" from the indian trash rapist-IIRC a few years ago a group of indian males tied up and gangraped a female monitor lizard-sickening to say the least-also I've read female dogs,sheep,cow goats etc so violated.As for China dealing with them-at a distance and with some armed discretion-india's demograhic dividend will soon drown india under a suffocating mass of filthy quasi humanity as its population will explode consuming all of its resources.No need to get involved-you all know the Chinese saying about not smearing shit on yourselves.


Registered Member

Kind of a dull video, but I was sort of outraged within a minute or two.

There are Indians looking for a job in China! Just like what they do in Toronto!

What the hell?!

How come all these foreigners taking jobs away from the citizens? All from India?

They are South Asians, but not necessarily Indians. One of them is named "Foisal" or Faisal I think. Faisal is a common Pakistani name.

I doubt that the average Indian is gonna find much job opportunities in China if ever at all. The Chinese job market is ruthless, and for foreigners to get hired, they need to have exceptional talent and discipline to even stand a chance. 99% of Indians, with their well known reputation by now will stand almost no chance of finding work in mainland China. HK is where historically, Indians have a decent chance of getting hired. Taiwan is now the new job frontier for Indian workers, so that's where the most Indians should be trying out.



Something about food: Chinese restaurants urgently need robots. And dishwashers.

Analysis: Asian Food Winning Over America​

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| JUNE 9, 2023

New research illustrates the palate Americans have developed for Asian food over the years.

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found that nearly three-quarters of all U.S. counties (73%) now have at least one Asian restaurant of some kind.

“Traditional gastronomy has gone beyond borders and found its place in America in the form of Asian fusion cuisine,” said Michael Ashley Schulman, partner and chief investment officer with Running Point Capital Advisors.

Twelve percent of all restaurants in America serve Asian food, Pew noted. Nearly four-in-ten Asian restaurants serve Chinese cuisine.

Chinese restaurants are found in every U.S. state, as are Japanese and Thai establishments, despite the relatively small percentage of the U.S. population for whom those nationalities account. Chinese Americans account for roughly a quarter of Asians living in the U.S.; Japanese Americans comprise 7% of the U.S. Asian population. Just 2% of Asian Americans are Thai.

The first sushi restaurant in America opened barely 50 years ago, but today sushi is widely available from New York to California.

“We’ve come a long way from 1991 when, in an episode of The Simpsons titled ‘One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish,’ Lisa pleads with Homer to try a new sushi restaurant,” Schulman told The Food Institute.

Asian cuisine has been especially embraced by young American consumers, said Adnan Durrani, CEO of food manufacturer Saffron Road, which has seen a growth rate of around 200% in recent years in its Asian offerings.

“In terms of authenticity, Thai and Korean index highest with Millennials and Gen Z,” Durrani said, “since they love to travel and love adventure in their food choices. Thai food specifically has wonderfully exotic notes of green curries and rice noodles, whereas Korean offers up very ethnic and robustly flavorful and sweet notes that a younger consumer is attracted to.”

Of the
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in the U.S., here’s a look at the type of food they mainly serve, according to Pew’s findings:

  • Chinese 39%
  • Japanese 28%
  • Thai 11%
  • Indian 7%
  • Vietnamese 7%
  • Korean 6%
  • Filipino 1%
  • Pakistani 1%
  • Mongolian <1%
  • Burmese <1%

Like the Asian American population itself, Asian restaurants in the U.S. are heavily concentrated in a few states. More than half of Asian Americans (55%) live in five states: New York, California, Texas, New Jersey, and Washington. And, just under half of all Asian restaurants – 45% – are in that handful of states.

“Asian fusion restaurants have become must-visit destinations in almost every city,” Schulman said. “As more people embrace a plant-forward lifestyle, Asian cuisine – with its frequent emphasis on vegetables and noodles – may find increased favor. Also, Asian food lends itself well to the rise of the ‘bowl culture,’ i.e. eating mixed food from a bowl.”


Junior Member
Registered Member
The Western elites are not in a good mood now. Their imperial system of exploitation is finally unravelling after over 200 years of near continuous success. They have triumph over many so challenges such as the rise of socialism, the world wars, post-colonialism, the USSR, pan-Arabism, pan-Africanism, the rise of modern Japan, etc. China was supposed to be one of those challengers that should have faded by now. The Chinese are not nearly as respected as the Russians or the Japanese. They were supposed to be below the Anglo-speaking Indians and sub-Saharan Africans. China's rise was just not supposed to happen.
On the contrary, it was no surprise to anyone with a minimum of historical literacy that China's return was inevitable.

Only 2 cultures in human history had formed enduring empires that controlled their whole known world, that is the Han people, and the Roman birthed "western" cultural amalgamation that later split chiefly into frankish, Angloid and germanic lines.

During the nadir of Chinese civilization, after nearly a century of leaders clinging to outdated and stubborn ideas, it still took all the most powerful western countries in an union to temporarily defeat China. Decades later against a newborn with industry and infrastructure destroyed by ww2 but competently led China, all those western countries faced defeat despite not even fighting in core China, but rather the peripheries of Korea and Vietnam.

So how is it not inevitable that this culture with strong work ethic, inventiveness and organizational skill, which historically created the only diametrically opposed Empire to the inheritors of Rome, would also be the only worthy opponent for the west in their attempt to take over the world?

China is not and has never been a challenger to them. It has been their arch enemy which they failed to defeat over and over in the last century, despite coming close due to Qing, KMT shortsighted greed and incompetence.
They are South Asians, but not necessarily Indians. One of them is named "Foisal" or Faisal I think. Faisal is a common Pakistani name.

I doubt that the average Indian is gonna find much job opportunities in China if ever at all. The Chinese job market is ruthless, and for foreigners to get hired, they need to have exceptional talent and discipline to even stand a chance. 99% of Indians, with their well known reputation by now will stand almost no chance of finding work in mainland China. HK is where historically, Indians have a decent chance of getting hired. Taiwan is now the new job frontier for Indian workers, so that's where the most Indians should be trying out.
Some Indian migrant workers exist, the vast majority for menial labor. Imo China must treat them with suspicion. Some may look similar to Malay or Indonesian, but they come from a very alien culture, not like the ones in SEA that Chinese people are used to managing.


Junior Member
Registered Member
2017 lol. A 20 year war has ended between the time this study was conducted and now.

Consent is not needed from non-sovereign members of NATO.

In case you haven't noticed, they're already doing these things without there being an active war.

Because all evidence suggests that the ongoing media smear campaign reduced sinophobia since 2015? Unfortunately, it seems that the average westerner gleefully consumes the alphabet soup propaganda and then asks for seconds. Consent for war has already been manufactured, look around you.

Nobody actually cares about Democracy™. The status quo that they derive significant privileges from is being threatened. China winning would adversely affect their quality of life and purchasing power, thus cannot be allowed under any circumstance.

There won't be de-escalation. The moment any side is about to lose is when the nukes start flying. Right now the US has escalation dominance and they won't allow China to eke out a victory. This won't change until China reaches nuclear parity and a reset to zero for both sides can be guaranteed.

Merchant mentality. Real patriots would go innawoods and wage a Protracted People's War in the heartlands of the enemy.
Time to fill in all those "wind turbine" holes in Yumen,Ordos and Jilantai with DF41 icbm's and then no one will mess with a nuclear parity peer.


Junior Member
Registered Member
They are South Asians, but not necessarily Indians. One of them is named "Foisal" or Faisal I think. Faisal is a common Pakistani name.

I doubt that the average Indian is gonna find much job opportunities in China if ever at all. The Chinese job market is ruthless, and for foreigners to get hired, they need to have exceptional talent and discipline to even stand a chance. 99% of Indians, with their well known reputation by now will stand almost no chance of finding work in mainland China. HK is where historically, Indians have a decent chance of getting hired. Taiwan is now the new job frontier for Indian workers, so that's where the most Indians should be trying out.
Despite the west trying to shill Taiwan as international, it really is not. Anyone who went there would know that. Most of them do not feel comfortable using English and I would argue their proficiency is even less than places like Shanghai or Guangzhou that actively welcomes foreigners.

There's a reason the vast majority of Indians move to English speaking countries. You figure for a race that loves moving everywhere, they would be better at learning other languages.