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I guess I can leave America/Asia/Europe anytime I want. Can’t say the same for women married to Taliban. Can’t leave the house without man’s permission. But hey in western societies some women does Only Fan.
Comparison will not be with the peak of west but a society occupying the same development level in the western bloc the same as Afghanistan, like India. Or the afghan occupation government.


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Brutal pimpslap…

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Today’s United States feels as though it’s caught between a state of semi-autism and half-dreaming, with a worldview that seems to say, “I don’t care what you think, only what I think.” As for everything else? Just BACK OFF. Dealing with the U.S. today inevitably leads to a profound sense of helplessness and frustration.

And your average China watcher’s response to this will probably be screeching over how Chinese academics are prejudiced against autistic people.


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Freedom of speech.

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This sounds like indian level corruption, hell, it is indian level corruption. Insult a politician and now you've got police bashing down your door and judges sentencing you to gaol, how the hell isnt' that corruption?

Despite the much deserved mocking this article has inspired, this is also a demonstration of western/anglo psychological warfare. They are hoping to drive a wedge between China and Russia by appealing to russian anxieties over Chinese swarming into siberia. This has been a historic fear by russians particularly those europhile russians but fortuantely there has been decades of trust built up between Putin's Russia and the CPC such that intel is being shared and the Russians have even encouraged and allowed the passage of Chinese goods through Vladivostock without any duties or tariffs. Effectively, Chinese exporters can use russian ports the same as Chinese ports to get to the Sea of Japan. To say nothing of the transport of military via this route as well.

Now, i'm as irredentist as anyone here but i would trade outer manchuria for the territories of the Five Eyes in a heartbeat, turning the Pacific into a Chinese lake.


Registered Member
There appears to be rebellion against Anglo Zionism amongst the U.S. elite given how much Israel is dragging the U.S. down into moral decrepitude with its atrocities, first there was Tucker Carlson platformjng a controversial historian who questioned the current American mythos and founding myth of WW2.
Then Elon musk promoting the interview only to be castrated once again by the Anglo Zionists.

clearly there is an attempt by a not insignificant portion of the western elites who are attempting to overthrow Zionist grip on the levers of power .


Junior Member
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I guess I can leave America/Asia/Europe anytime I want.
And go to other countries where you are unwelcomed, like from Afghanistan to Syria, Yugoslavia to Vietnam?
You seem to have developed a disease to go wherever you want regardless of permission. May be you would like if it is engraved in your DNA?
What are you doing in America & in Asia in first place?
But hey in western societies some women does Only Fan.
Yea, some of them are now busy fantasizing with aliens & the euro ones are now doing zoo-hub instead of p-rnhub :rolleyes::rolleyes: