Mexico selects Su-27?

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Just Hatched
Registered Member
The Mexican military has always been very independent and chooses not to pursue close ties with the U.S. armed forces. Like someone said, both countries wont go to war with each other beacuse of close economic ties, but in almost all other areas, the Mexicans disagree with their neighboors to the north. The view from the Mexican side is that the U.S. is a superpower in a slow decline, so they are adapting by training their troops to disband and dissapear if an attack from the U.S. takes place. Only to reapear as guerrilla units that can hit and run. This comes from the obvious troubles the americans have against guerrilla warfare.

As far as the Su-27's?

They where bought to protect oil platforms in the gulf of Mexico from terrorist attacks by boat, mainly Alqaeda. Mexico is one of the largest suppliers of oil to the U.S. and an attack on its main oil instalations would certaintly propel gas prices to all time highs.

Why didnt they buy american?

They never do unless they have to.


Junior Member
salsipuedes said:
The view from the Mexican side is that the U.S. is a superpower in a slow decline, so they are adapting by training their troops to disband and dissapear if an attack from the U.S. takes place. Only to reapear as guerrilla units that can hit and run. This comes from the obvious troubles the americans have against guerrilla warfare.
regardless of what most mexicans may think of the US, this statement surprises me. I find it hard to believe that any part of the mexican military is training for guerilla warfare against a US invasion! They really think the US has an interest in invading Mexico?!?

Sorry, but that is just messed up, I can't think of any realistic scenario (declining superpower included) that would involve the US invading Mexico.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
walter said:
regardless of what most mexicans may think of the US, this statement surprises me. I find it hard to believe that any part of the mexican military is training for guerilla warfare against a US invasion! They really think the US has an interest in invading Mexico?!?

Sorry, but that is just messed up, I can't think of any realistic scenario (declining superpower included) that would involve the US invading Mexico.

The U.S. has invaded Mexico plenty of times before, and those invasions have been very costly to the Mexicans. I don't believe Mexico will ever fully trust the U.S. because of historical reasons, and also because of history, we know full well that the U.S. is capable of anything if they find themselves in a hardplace.

The Mexican military does train for guerrilla warfare against a possible US attack, the Secretary of Defence himself stated that along with footage of Mexican soldiers training for it in national TV.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I think that every modern army in the world should train in guerrilla warfare, but i dont agree that Mexican Army trains exclusively for that, respecting to the military exercises you may see them here:

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Junior Member
salsipuedes said:
The U.S. has invaded Mexico plenty of times before, and those invasions have been very costly to the Mexicans. I don't believe Mexico will ever fully trust the U.S. because of historical reasons, and also because of history, we know full well that the U.S. is capable of anything if they find themselves in a hardplace.

The Mexican military does train for guerrilla warfare against a possible US attack, the Secretary of Defence himself stated that along with footage of Mexican soldiers training for it in national TV.

Yeah, 1917. And was it really tough for the US in 1917? Please. I think Mexico is just a little too paranoid.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Well, if Mexico doesn't train against America, who will it train for? Britian? America is Mexico's only realistic enemy. The only other "threats" are Guatamala and Honduras, both of which can be squashed in one day.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Gentlemen..let's remain on topic! Any more off topic discussion and this thread will be closed and the offender warned. Please continue the discussion about the Mexican purchase of Su-27 aircraft. Thank you.

bd popeye moderator


Senior Member
VIP Professional
By the way, any one know what will the Flankers be armed with?
(Sounds like the basic variant here........)
What sorts of munitions does Mexico have anyway?


VIP Professional
sumdud said:
Well, if Mexico doesn't train against America, who will it train for? Britian? America is Mexico's only realistic enemy. The only other "threats" are Guatamala and Honduras, both of which can be squashed in one day.

They also had internal issues, such as the Zapatista/EZLN in Chiapas, though it's far less violent than other countries.


Junior Member
adeptitus said:
They also had internal issues, such as the Zapatista/EZLN in Chiapas, though it's far less violent than other countries.

Indeed. In fact the Zapatista's are arguably famous for being so relatively non-violent...

Although obviously the purchase of Su-27s probably doesn't much to do with internal threats, and it is indeed interesting to see what potential conflicts Mexico would envision or deter to warrant the purchase.
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