Maybe they're referring to L4D? XD
Other than that, I'll just ignore Western writers. If shit hits the fan in China, I think a city or the adjacent 1 or 2 population areas will be affected, but I believe the instant text messaging and the advantages of Information Age will quickly come into play. Let's not forget the massive mobilization of troops and fast responses of the PLA in 2008. Unlike Tongshan earthquake, the news will spread so fast, and I think we'll see help pouring in from all areas. The infected areas will be quarantined with DMZ surrounding the entire place while medical teams are dispatched to enter. If the infection was spread by other means of transportation, we'll see similar occurrances of response everywhere else. I also believe this plague ain't airborne, otherwise we'll see a similar event such as those of I am Legend.
And I believe China can really gun all the zombies down if they want. I don't think China will have shortage of bullets, but they will start with attempting to cure and disinfect first.
I'm pretty sure he explains that the reason why the Information age didn't take hold was because the outbreak started in the remote regions of China (don't remember Province names, but it's on one of the border provinces to Central Asia.) That combined with traditional beliefs, stopped the Spread of the Word, but the spread of the disease only grew.
He didn't talk too much about China after that but after the 3 Gorges Dam fell to disrepair and thus breaking into little legos, I think 50-100 million people? died from that, which started a counter-communist revolution in China (not to mention the Zombies). It all wraps up with the Communist government hiding in a bunker and then a rogue Chinese nuclear submarine launching a 9 megaton nuke on it.
Besides, it wouldn't be an Apocalypse if people screwed up and let the Outbreak get out of control.
Personally I don't understand how the "individualistic" nature of Americans is how they won the war against zombies. Who ever has read this book... how did that context play? Americans love their sports especially the ones that have a war theme. As they say in sports, there's no "I" in "team."
I don't think you've read the book.
The Plan on how to eradicate zombies was formed by a South African.
The plan was used by whatever people were left in the world, although the book focused mainly on U.S. efforts, but you should note that U.S. efforts were only for the North American continent (including Mexico.) China, Japan, India, Russia, Europe, Africa, Iran, Iraq, Brazil, cleansed their own countries by themselves.
Problem is that there is a plague, and it takes time before a human is infected before he dies and become a zombie. When news reach the proper authorities that a plague is underway (at which point it would be somewhat extensive), hundreds or even thousands of people may have left the area unknowing they are infected. Just look at how SARS spread worldwide before it could be stopped. Take SARS, remove the ability to vaccine or treatment, make it 100% potent and make its bearers actively chase down those not infected, and you have the zombie plague.
The Solanum virus kills and reanimates within 24 hours.
Dont you have restrictions on what class of gun you can own. Im a bit out of touch but over here machine guns/pistols are strictly forbidden. The best one could own in my day was a semi automatic rifle but mind you way back in the old days because of the work classification I gave myself and because I lived on a rural holding I had no problem legally acquiring gelignite for removing tree stumps.
Getting back to the film culture and make believe look at the stuff Bruce willis acquired in the film "Red" I have no doubt you actually could do that in real life in the USof A but noway over here.
There are Gun restrictions for each state. In California, where I live, the restrictions are tighter, and you can only purchase semi-automatics (I think). But if you went to another state, say, Alabama or Texas, you can buy anything that you can afford and pass the background checks on.
And "Red" wasn't exactly notorious for being realistic.
Speaking about the Gun Culture in America, the reason why World War Z is "unrealistic" is because the outbreak in the U.S. happened because family members weren't ready to kill family members etc. Also, the Government would try to cover up the outbreak (one Chapter of the book highlights how a man in the U.S. created a fake product that cured the outbreak to calm the nerves of people.) So basically, people didn't have knowledge about Zombies. But in real life, you don't even need to go into a Public School or an Elderly home and talk about Zombies because everybody here knows of the people who walk from the dead.