Mars War: Blood on the red planet.


This is a repost from the NASA thread

Mars colonists 'would die after 68 days'
Scientists at MIT conclude a human colony on the Red Planet is "not feasible" with current technology

Mars colonisation "not feasible" Photo:
Humans could only survive on Mars for 68 days according to a new study which throws doubt on ambitions to colonise the Red Planet.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concluded that with current technology a permanent settlement on Mars is "not feasible".

They analysed the Dutch-based Mars One project which is aiming to colonise the planet starting in 2024.
Mars One wants to send a group of people on a one-way trip and film the project for a reality television show.


Nasa's Mars Curiosity rover

The MIT researchers simulated the conditions of living on Mars and identified the main problem as the plan for colonists to grow and eat their own crops, which they said was not practical with current technology.
In a 35-page report they said: "The first crew fatality would occur approximately 68 days into the mission.
"Some form of oxygen removal system is required, a technology that has not yet been developed for space flight."
Scientists also said the amount of spare parts that would have to be brought in to keep the colony functioning could also make the cost prohibitive.

Mars is 34 million miles from Earth and it would take at least seven months to get there.
The MIT study concluded: "We look forward to the day when humanity becomes an interplanetary species.
"We have great respect for the enthusiasm for space exploration that the Mars One program has generated and our goal is not to detract from this, but rather to drive it forward, towards enabling affordable, sustainable Mars colonisation."
Mars One chief executive Bas Lansdorp said the researchers had used incomplete data and it was possible for the colonists to grow their own food.

He said: "While oxygen removal has never been done in space I disagree that the technology is not mostly ready to go to Mars."

What a bunch of poppycock!

1) Russian and American Astronauts have been on the international space station for up to 300 day with no “oxygen removal”.

2) Mars is 34 million miles from Earth'.

No it isn't.

The closest Mars can approach Earth is 34 million miles, but that is a very, very rare event. It happened in 2003. It won't happen again until 2287.
Mars has an orbit averaging 142 million miles from the sun. Its orbit is also very eccentric, being more eliptical than almost any other planet. Earth's average is 93 million miles, which means that the average closest distance Mars can approach Earth is 49 million miles. Sometimes its closest approach is as much as 64 million miles.
The only time in each orbit that Mars is on its closest pass (opposition) occurs only once every 880 days, but it's as likely to be 64 million miles as it is to be 34 million miles and it's very brief.
Most of the time it is much further than that and for half the time it is getting further away, so it's harder to catch up. What a bunch of @#$% in the article

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Mars One is a scam, pure and simple. There are two major problems with their plan: insufficient funds and insufficient technology.

Their planned budget is something like $6 billion, whereas a simple human landing on Mars would cost around $60 billion.

They talk about building underground facilities to shield themselves from radiation, but they don't mention how they're going to get the energy and machinery to do that kind of massive construction work. Solar panels are not going to cut it.

They talk about colonists growing their own food. Even if we assume they can get the energy to produce sufficient light and to mine water, they're forgetting one important detail. The atmospheric composition of Earth is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. On Mars, it is only 2.4% nitrogen. Nitrogen is the building block of protein, and while plants do not absorb it directly from the air as they do carbon, a complex cycle involving soil and bacteria allows plants to make use of that nitrogen.

How on Mars are they going to reproduce the Terran nitrogen cycle? And even if they could, 2.4% atmospheric nitrogen, in an atmosphere 1/100th as dense as that of Earth, means the nitrogen isn't even there!

And this is not even going into psychological challenges, which are possibly greater even than the technological challenges. Mars One candidates sign up because they want excitement. Martian colonization is anything but exciting. Once they get over the wonder of being on a different planet, they'll realize that the red dirt and red dust and red-hazed sky will be the only scenery they will ever see for the rest of their lives. There are no alien ruins to explore, no alien technology waiting to be discovered, just day after day of monotonous routine that must be completed just to survive.


More conspiracy theory photos. The evidence keeps mounting

The rock carving captured in one of the images transmitted back to Earth by Mars Rover Curiosity has an amazing resemblance to ancient rock carvings found on Earth. Because this image looks to be an ancient symbol of a man, this puts some exciting possibilities into play. How was the same image created on Mars and on Earth? Does this suggest traveling alien artists that have been around for a very long time?


The figure, which looks very similar to an engraving of a symbol used for a man, is found on a piece of rock that could be part of stone pillar that is either in ruins or discarded on the surface of Mars. Is Curiosity rolling over some old Mars ruins, or is this a piece of stone that was left in an odd place on the planet's surface? You can see the engraving in the video above. Did the intelligent life that created the symbolic man engravings on Earth do the same on Mars?

Drinking Malbec and look through a telescope


A number of UFO researchers claim to have found skulls in Mars photos taken by NASA rovers.

Mars skull – Sol 482 – amaizing clear image of another skull on mars


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