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T-50 MAKS 2015 rehearsal flight
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and, looks like shes going to move to center stage once again, so who thinks she might operate off a carrier????? and the nose gear just needs a drawbar and a little tweaking?? yea haa!
I do not think it will ever happen.Ok, now that Mig 1.44 is to be updated and marketed as a middleweight,
I am challenging you our CG experts to help them out a little, a Navalized version with a beefed up nose gear and drawbar and a hook are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing, post them on the aerodynamics thread and we will "help u" refine your aerodynamic wonders, only rule is that she must retain aft mounted delta and canard in the same general planform? everything else is fair game, let the fun begin.
I do not think it will ever happen.
IMHO, more Russian "talk." I will believe that they will do anything with it when I actually see a new one roll off the assembly line.
As to a navalized version...I do not think that is going to happen even if they built a new aircraft (which, as I say is very doubtful). Just not enough volume for Russia in any case. they have a single carrier...and they are building new Mig-29Ks for her.
I do not think it will ever happen.
IMHO, more Russian "talk." I will believe that they will do anything with it when I actually see a new one roll off the assembly line.