This article may just be realizingg this...but this is a story that has been discussed for years, and recently (in the last few months) been all over the news to the point that the Navy is doing something about it.only now I noticed (the article's dated June 25)
U.S. Navy Littoral Ship Found Vulnerable to Attack
That's the whole reason for the Small Surface combatant (DSSC) program and associated upgrades the LCS will also receive many of the new capabilities that will be built into the new SSC vessels.
This article is just catching up with things that are already known and the Navy is re-verifying.
The LCS did not receive the armament to contest a high threat environment form other well armed adversaries.
Many of us dried and raise cane about this for years. Now it is being once again pointed out...but this time after some efforts are being made to address it.
I for one believe they need to do a little more.