I was just curious not suggesting anything inparticular
No problem. It is a good question.
The realit5ies of the situation will probably rule against it happening.
But who knows? The US will have Mk 1010s on the fifty-six LCS/FFs, the six Legend Class Coast Guard Cutters.
This is basically an slightly improved version of the Mk 3 which is also on the five Swedish Visvy class corvettes, the four Brunai Darussalam class OFPs, on seven Mexican patrol vessels, planned on six Malaysian Gowind vessels, on four Finnish Hamina class patrol boats, and have been upgraded onto twelve Canadian Halifax frigates.
So, that is a total of 63 US vessels plus 36 other nation's vessels.
As I say, who knows? With basically 100 guns out there in service, maybe someone will develop and market an extended range round.
If you could make it an interchangeable load, and could sell/market something like 100 roiunds per gun, that would be 10,000 rounds.
The trouble they would have would be having to upgrade the sensors to take advantage of the range, and THAT may be the killer.
It would be expensive to do that, and for such a light round in any case, each nation would have to deem it to be worth the cost of the munitions, plus upgrading the sensors and targeting on each vessel to warrant it.
For that light of a round...that's why I say it is unlikely. The financials just probably would not work out.