They do have something to "fight" with, dt.Somehow it just doesn't add up these are supposed to be "fighting" ship's with nothing to fight with?Can you tell me what their supposed to do when matched against a PLAN frig. or destroyer for instance and costs is irrelevant compareed to lives of the people who serve on them.
They are going to be fitted with eight long range ASMs.
They will have a 57mm, high rate of fire, dual purpose main gun.
The SeaRAM system is arguably one of the best CIWS systems available.
They will have two 30mm weapons systems. Apparently they are going to have two 25mm Mk 38 mod2 weapons too.
They can carry two Seahawk helicopters.
Those systems right there will give them the ability to defend themselves in the littorals and fight against OPFOR corvettes or FFGs if necessary.
They will also be able to hunt and prosecute SSKs or other submarines in the littorals.
With the addition of the VL Hellfires when needed, they will also be uniquely equipped to handle swarming FACs and speed boats if necessary.
This type of warfare iin the littorals is what they were designed for.
I believe probably a dozen of them will be semi-permanently (if not permanently) equipped for MMC.
As an ASW escort, they will also be effective in either CSGs or ARGs.
Now, it is true that it took some extra pressure and fighting to get those ASMs and some of the addityional sensors and combat fitting. But they are getting them and with that, they will be able vessels.
They are not meant to be DDGs...the US has the best and the largest DDG force in the world.
The LCS/FFs will allow that large force of DDGs to be focused on activities more in keeping with their capabilities. In addition, the DDG force will be available to augment and support these new frigates whenever necessary.
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