Another light Vehicle... I really really think Polaris might be on to some thing with these... I want one for my day to day
A copy of the Gaucho
Another light Vehicle... I really really think Polaris might be on to some thing with these... I want one for my day to day
Not Quite. Anti armor weapons and Machine guns were common on light vehicles especially for Commandos like the second world wars, Long Range Desert Group for example took US Made Jeeps and touring cars Stripped them of any unnecessary parts, doors, windshields seats. loaded them up with fuel, spare tire and most impotantly with recoil less weapons, mortars and Machine guns.. no more machine guns.. and submachine guns... and rifles and more guns then used them in fast hit and run night raids against German runways and positions in the desert. They would creep up on a enemy position then drive through the position in a diamond formation at high speed spraying lead.A .50 Mg one side and a 3.5" rocket launcher (Bazooka) the other.
What is it? A very cheap tank maybe?
Back to bottling my Grenache
........... Dagor can carry more people. up to 9.
pretty much. They also seem to want to top it with a Bushmaster 30mm Cannon, add in some M240's and talk about Road Rage a light truck like that loaded like a IFV!! little dog BIG BITE