Let's vote for the name of Chinese first carrier

What do you think the name of Chinese first carrier should be?

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New Member
I like to have "YueFei" as the name of Chinese first carrier.

Yue is one of the most famous general in Chinese history. He was the leader of "Yue's army" in Song dynasty. He battled Mongolian a numerous of times and achieve some significant victories.

In fact, there were a number generals around that time had better and more military successes than Yue. But my reason to choose Yue is:

During that era, Mongolian were good riders which gave them a great mobility. When they won, they could chase; when they lost, they could run. Majority of the Song's army were infantry man, they are good at position battle but lack of speed. They were unable to chase Mongolian cavalry or escape from them.

But "Yue's army" was different. "Yue's army" were all cavalrymen. They were the only cavalry unit in Song's army that can defeat Mongolian in a rider to rider war.

Song had lost many of its land before Yue became famous. Actually, as long as Song empire do not make stupid decisions, Song are quite sufficient to defend themselves. But Yue is really the only one that are capable of taking back what Song had lost.

And that is what make Yue a fearsome enemy to Mongolian Khan.

Chinese are now facing a similar situation. Not many country are able to invade and conquer China, but Chinese do not have sufficient projection power to secure the land and islands around the borders.

The carrier will surely change the status quo. If any country is still planning to take a piece land from China, before Chinese having a carrier they would only think how to invade, but after Chinese have a carrier they would have to think how to defend.

China today are also different to Song. Song was on her way down at that time. Her was finally conquered by Mongolian and Yue was killed by the empire he served.

After he dead, Chinese built him a temple. The temple has title on the top of its main gate. The title was written by Yue is:

Hand back my land! (还我河山!)

And this is exactly the reason why Chinese need a carrier.


Yue's statue and hand writing
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Junior Member
1. I think this is not very interesting
2. Yuefei is the name of a Taiwan FFG and Zhenghe (not Zhenhe) is the name of a training ship in PLAN
3. Yuefei never fought with Mongolians. Mongolians came like 80 years after his death.
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Junior Member
None of above. I'd choose Dingyuan (定远). Coz it was not only the largest navy ship in Chinese, but also the whole far east. So I'd like to think the very first carrier from PLAN should be called Dingyuan. And just like the old time Dingyuan should also be the name of its class. I think by using Dingyuan it's much more meaningful than any other name for Chinese people. Coz it reminds people in China why PLAN needs advanced big ship like carriers, as well as reminding people the whole meaning of a strong blue water navy.


Junior Member
I would call it the ChangCheng (Great Wall) because it sounds strong and powerful. It will express its size and power.


Junior Member
but then again i heard that naming ships after some great stuff would hurt morale if it get sunk. If i remember correctly it would be japanese yamato or the enterprise from the US


Junior Member
but then again i heard that naming ships after some great stuff would hurt morale if it get sunk. If i remember correctly it would be japanese yamato or the enterprise from the US

Enterprise never sank. US sank the carrier "USS America" in a test. I don't think they expected any morale problem.


New Member
Registered Member
PLAN Zheng He would be awesome as he is the greatest admiral China has ever had.

PLAN Sun Yat-Sen would be great for honoring the father of modern China. :china: