Then a second Ladakh situation could potentially happen again. This win win mentality should only apply to countries that openly support a win win relationship, something the Chinese seem to not understand thanks to their Confucian culture.
Unfortunately the CCP is made up of people who hold those types of attitudes. Like those Ip Man movies and how they portray what virtue is. Tsk tsk when will those CCP people learn how to deal properly with scum. Slow and steady might win the race and ignoring trivial matters when you've won the main prize (1959 agreement vs winning wikipedia editing) may seem like a good idea but you end up losing some things along the way and those truths, should still be considered as important to China and its leadership, as its national sovereignty.
Protecting and at least dedicating to an effort at promoting truth and exposing lies should be at least an equal virtue to winning the right struggle. Life does not force us to abandon one in order to grasp the other. The CCP is a little too composed of those old men and women from the generation that lived through China's last struggle phase. They probably consider these petty things way too below China.