"According to the projections of various international organizations, China’s rivalry will not be with the US but with India by 2050 or beyond. For example, the World Economic Forum that the Indian economy will surpass that of the US by 2030. However, Standard Chartered Bank recently revised its that India would become the world’s second-largest economy by 2050."
India superpower 2050. Folks there has only been a 30 year delay. India will almost certainly become a hyperpower by 2050.
You got two data points, take a ruler and draw a straight line and you can reach the sky. These forecasts are not worth the paper that they are printed on. As a country go through each stage of development, they reach bottlenecks. These bottlenecks must be overcome by forces that are more powerful than the existing power structure. That is the reason you need to continuously reform the system. Keep breaking up the existing powers to make room for future growth. For a weak, democratically elected government like India's, the government does not have the power to oppose the existing vested interests, much less overturn them. If you can't even command the army, you will not be opposing the power elites. Economic growth will come to a standstill due to bottlenecks which are irreconcilable with existing vested interests. Just look at the RCEP thing, it is obviously good for India in the longer term, but they decided not to go for it because it will hurt the existing vested interests. Growth, which was inflated in the last couple of years, was slowing down precisely due to this dynamic. Expect the slowdown to continue even after Covid. PPP GDP will still be large due to the population, but if they produce nothing of value, it will be meaningless. India 2050 will be better than India 2020, but nowhere near where others in its neighborhood would be by that time. Expect the distance with China to lengthen as time goes on.