Lol, i know. You can go to our village & watch these in making live.Strictly speaking those are not statues
Didn't want to go into classification
Lol, i know. You can go to our village & watch these in making live.Strictly speaking those are not statues
Did China really have a comparable phase? Maybe very long ago. For the last seven decades China has long since abandoned superstition and obscurantism.If that's what they've to resort themselves to, it only adds confidence for China.
A hint: but a decade or two ago China also went through a similar phase.
Right. In 2020, we see a return to superstition, religious madness, and obscurantism.Did China really have a comparable phase? Maybe very long ago. For the last seven decades China has long since abandoned superstition and obscurantism.
Is the world slipping away from an age of reason into medieval barbarism? This has happened before when the age of reason in Greece vanished before a dark era lasting 600 years. The Roman empire was first weakened by the Huns and then fell to the Visigoths. There were waves of barbarian attacks and religious wars. Pechenags, Kipchaks, Mongols. The Crusades.,
Russia is the latest country to be seen to slip into obscurantism The eclipse of reason in a country that once courageously unshackled itself from centuries of rule by a church backed monarchy is frightening.This unshackling is described in detail in the book "How the steel was Tempered " by Nikolai Ostrovsky.,
It is not merely a symbolic replacement of the Red Star by the Double Headed Eagle or painting yellow and brown stripes ( the ribbon of St. George) on the Armata tanks which is ominous.
When the head of a state kneels before the Grand Patriarch and kisses his hand, it is a lamentable reversal of the decades of sacrifices by rationalists to build a nation with a scientific temperament. A proud nation that emerged from the ashes of a world war and sent the first man into space is now reversing into a theocracy.
The reason there was no nuclear
annihilation in the Cold War was because the communists knew that there was no existence other than what was present, and there was no paradise or hereafter. The Soviet Union and their allies wanted to live and see their grandchildren. Their weapons were a deterrent only.
The Soviet Union and the era of reason it fostered has gone forever.
Russia has inherited crumbling remnants of the Soviet Union's once mighty arsenal and industrial military complex.Russia is isolated and in the crosshairs of an intact NATO that wants a break up of the Federation to grab the vast natural resources of Siberia. Economically and militarily weak, a frightened Russia is depending on religion and the Almighty to save it from the onslaught.
In this age of darkness China has emerged as an economic and military force for reason that the Soviet Union could never achieve. In the coming era China remains the only hope against the revival of the darkest forces that would plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust.
China is one of the few countries who does not let religous zealots, fools, ...That is why China is so hated today. Its politically correct to hate on China today... China is the fashionable enemy #1.
Without China to prove the success of its form of science and reason based governance. The world would be in an even darker place than it already is.
China does have friends, though not organized as a nation or political group. The old communists defeated and depressed after the fall of the Soviet Union do look up to China, but in a different way. They hope China succeeds where the Soviet Union failed.
China is far less "internationalist" than the Soviet Union giving priority to bettering the lives of its own citizens. This may be a better way to survive the onslaught of insanity than what the Soviet Union did by establishing thousands of Houses of Soviet People's Culture and People's Book Houses in the world spending hundreds of billions of dollars. These had little impact in promoting reason in the world and the slogan "Religion is the opiate of the people" fell on deaf ears.
For it's survival China will work with the religious extremists and medievalists where necessary Example: China's one time relationship with Israel, a state founded on the basis of the " only people chosen by God" or more recently the visit of a delegation of the Afghan Taliban to Beijing.
It is a pragmatic approach ; far more than the idealistic Soviet Union's communists could ever imagine.
China does have friends, though not organized as a nation or political group. The old communists defeated and depressed after the fall of the Soviet Union do look up to China, but in a different way. They hope China succeeds where the Soviet Union failed.
China is far less "internationalist" than the Soviet Union giving priority to bettering the lives of its own citizens. This may be a better way to survive the onslaught of insanity than what the Soviet Union did by establishing thousands of Houses of Soviet People's Culture and People's Book Houses in the world spending hundreds of billions of dollars. These had little impact in promoting reason in the world and the slogan "Religion is the opiate of the people" fell on deaf ears.
For it's survival China will work with the religious extremists and medievalists where necessary Example: China's one time relationship with Israel, a state founded on the basis of the " only people chosen by God" or more recently the visit of a delegation of the Afghan Taliban to Beijing.
It is a pragmatic approach ; far more than the idealistic Soviet Union's communists could ever imagine.
Respect your opinion but will disagree.First of all, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF RELIGION.
Secondly, "Religion is the opiate of the people" is widely misused. It was originally referring to the traditional religion as nothing but a pacifier that relinquishes revolutionary passion, making people too soft and unwilling to rise up and overthrow the existing structure of oppression via bloody revolution. In this case, Religion has already has its table turned.
Today's revived religious zealotry world-wide is NOT at all anti-revolution, in fact, today's religions is more like a call to revolution. The leaders uses it to rouse up revolutionary passion to overthrown the secularist and rational establishment across the world. Today's religion inspires people to rise up and act upon a certain ideology/cause. This is very different from what religion was like, a century ago when the communists/socialists was ushering a societal revolution.
Religion ( any religion) has no place in politics, revolution, education or day to day government. Confined to personal and community spirituality and moral sustenance religion has a role.
1. The "Islamic Revolution" in Iran has turned a once modern and progressive country into a regressive society and an international pariah.