When have I denied those photos? That has nothing to do with present Indian positions in disputed areas of Galwan in 2022
But you are missing the most important part. I don't understand why this is difficult to comprehend.
I'll try draw it out roughly so it can be visually interpreted.
China controls all of Aksai Chin, AC. India officially claims all the way up to yellow line (overlaps the right most black line) whereas China claims to red line. However China keeps offering India to demarcate along purple line.
We don't known exactly where India's new year photo was taken. We both however agree that India's photo is taken west of the right most black line. The black lines in the right section represents the 20%.
So what I'm saying is that Indians should not be claiming they are taking the photo within disputed since they are allowed on the piece of land they took the photo on. It falls on their side based on China's offers for demarcation since the 1950s.
That would be like saying because China controls (not only with settlements) AC, therefore China won and it's been over since the war since China sits on land India claims.
The difference is that India loses more since India claims 100% of the drawn area and control 0% of it while China is happy to settle for up to purple line and already controls 80%.