I think there’s a bigger picture here. China’s made the strategic choice to pressure India in response to the Indian tilt towards America e.g. the Quad, US and Australian military interoperability deals, restriction on Chinese investment, Indian salami slicing along the border in Kashmir, etc.
Strategically, the Chinese are looking to force India towards neutrality re US-China, or face economic ruin.
It actually reminds me a bit of the sino Vietnamese border conflicts in the 80s. Military pressure on a weaker, growth-starved adversary, forcing the weaker side to expend money they don’t have on military operations instead of on the infrastructure and economy.
And, in my opinion, the timing seems very opportune. India currently has hundreds of thousands of troops bogged down in its Kashmir occupation, in addition to the massive resources needed to man the LOC with Pakistan. This year there’s going to be huge economic damage from India’s COVID mishandling, add the locust invasions and assorted climate change disasters, add the necessity for India to grow at double digit growth rates to feed its “population dividend,” - and on top of all that, you add border conflict with China? Remember, the Chinese Indian border is longer than the Pakistan Indian border. That’s a lot of expensive engagements for a developing economy, let alone a shrinking one. International financial institutions like the IMF are already forecasting big negative Indian growth rates this year, and they might be optimistic.
Developing countries post WW2 in Europe, countries like Japan, Korea, and China all drastically cut military spending to finance infrastructure and economic growth. Back when China was at India’s level economically, China had low military spending and double digit economic growth rates. Now, India’s looking at the opposite - shrinking GDP growth with elevated spending requirements. An economically dominant China is looking to force India to either politically concede, or face an untenable arms race.
That’s why I think the Chinese side maintains its border posture yet is so tight lipped. It serves Chinese interests to continue the current non-shooting pressurized status quo. Every day Indian forces surge to maintain these high-altitude borders is another day their economy is starved of desperately needed development funds.